A metavillage is an economic gravity sustaining 100000 peoples lives. Brac was designed around metavilage back in 1972 typically 15000 village homes- mothers as community builders (of the nation -bangladesh was 90% rural withoutbelectricity grids) operating microfrachsies abed designed - eg rice vilahge enetrprise, local health service/basic medicine distribution microfranchise. Peiority was given to raising life expectancy which bhad begun as 25 yeras below world average as up to a third of infants were dying and maternal health was wretched(mothers were living close to starvation and culturally expecetd to raise large families until at least 2 sons survived)
three things to note about the scale of the original brac metaviilage
focused on triple e micrifranchsies effective, efficient, expanadable- positive cashflow however small the business- essential (life saving) purposes; once a concept was iteratively tested so that scaled across one metavillage, it was likely to scale across other metavillages
the scale of a metavilage meant that brac was wholesaling one or more key product per microfranchise - sometimes it also did the product eg a rice seed it had designed or open sourced (borlaug) to maximise local diversity (up to 1000% production depends on locl adadtpation - see economist article 1977) or in the case of the para health service - initially 10 most basic medicines; in this way as brac scaled nationally it led wholesaler value chains integrated around development of the poorest
clearly if a metavillage meant 15000 business (however small) with positive cash flow- banking would be needed - this was the origin of miucrofinance for good- in effect brac guaranteed a vilage mother would be profitable provided she worked hard and applied the microfranchise (sadly media like the BBC and the famous clinton originated microcreditsummit have condemned microbanking because their producers failed to understand that end poverty microfinace entrepreneurially leads value chains in trust for the poorest by being scaled to integrate human development/ family susdtainability)- see also Economist's Entrepreneurialk Revolution 1976 -would any of 2020s greatest crisies be spinning if education had specified microfrnacises as transparently as what became brac's 100000 training field force united around paulo freire culture
--------------you could look around the world - even to bi cities- where is there an artisan skill that is gravitated by one place even oif most of the livelihoods networked dont reside there; why wouldnt community colleges or universities concerned primarily with sustaining a locality, become alumni NFT identified by the village place name
there are of course lots of ways in our hyperconnected (soon to be web3 metaverse) world to go virtual too with metavilage's goal of sustaining 100000 peoples lives around a creative focus that matches eg zero footprint or provides win-wins by revolving around the sort of action learning that multiplies value in use unlike consuming things; but until the world of places is more peaceful our (WorldRecordJobs) purpose with first metavillage map is to identify gps that are where those connected see as home for the co-creative skill they celebrate bringing to the world so that families grow up