IN 1972 one former regional ceo of shell oil and a billion poorest vilage women set out not to chage the world but tp achieveve 5 golas in communities of 100000 peope, most closely linkedin to them. They pioneeered solutions to the combination the UN has since 2015 called 17 5 4 3 2 1 but which their data coded and empowered as
S5H3E4L17F2F1 monetarily this quarter of the world's productive power is about 2%.In terms of scaling SDG social action Natural Intelligence it's nearer 98%.
To see why try out any of the 30 cooperations (b)logged here -it took 16 trips (& brilliant young southern journalist/diarist) to bangladesh and 20 in personal listening ops to see Fazle Abed's vision throughb rural world's 4 transformations to soc5.0 (see footnote).
Or join us at the game Architect Intelligence
dedicated to Von Neumann NET - who's 48 intelligences in addition to abed neumann einstein turing would you play a first card game round if you want to help younger half of world be first sustainability generation?
footnote from our exchanges at
Very roughly does this map make sense for a common vision of intelligences 8 billion peoples need....Many people have mediated era of serial transformation emerging from death of von neumann einstein turing (al legacy neumann wriote up as computer and the brain 1956). Consider 4 guides Drucker, Schwab, Abe and Abed. Three of these people are famous for transformation ideas applied to business and citinens ; 2 mainly from the G7 viewpoint as it also intersects with tech epicentre of change since 1865 ITU Switzerland. Abe's Asian view (Japan g20) mapped society 5.0 as convergence of 4 revolutions since 1950s pre-digital era bring perspective of the two thirds of humans who are Asian. Schwab has writetn up the 4th Industrial Revolution. Back in late 1960s Drucker started asking how many transformations would make up pos-industrial revolution. Abed from 1971.s new nation on bangladesh (8th most populous) is less known has he has worked on revolutions impacting bottom of pyramid billion women and billion men's development. In fact aid2.o emerged from his own transformation regional ceo royal dutch shell to women building rural nation of bangladesh. Fir 25 years, villagers had no grids electrical or communications. From the village viewpoint rural 3.0 began where partners brought solar and mobile. And just as business world is adapting to green and other loca-global gps intelligenced sdgs of 2020s urgent times so is rural world- see eg climate adaptation as an area that integrates rural sustainability. Overall everyone alive in 2020s needs to at least minimally catch up with each others most life critical challenges . It is proposed human ai can help connect everyone's brains and life development.