20th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Saturday, April 30, 2022

1.5 bkash 3 years starting up bkash.com number 1 cashless bank in population served

In Fazle Abed's last decade: many of his biggest cooperation models were partnered out; what this means is if you want to learn the latest about how bkash is biggest cashless bank (population served; at one time partner bill gates implied a billion people might be served by this model) you need to contact its team that are not working in brac oggices; if however you want to study how bkash contributes within the total supply chain brac offers - suggest you conatct shameran abed at brac -also worth noting how the model evolves through different availability to customers from 2g to 5g; intially bkash absorbed all the expereince of kenya's 2g model with mpesa but soon some of its partners eg alipay tech teams were bringing mo 

bkash lessons learned 2012-14 (video of Gates review of cashless banking for a billion unbanked) - special thanks to the brothers quadir who are in their 25th year of leapfroging (partnerships in mobile technology to end poverty)  

bkash origins like kenya's mpesa (whose original coder is a director of the holding company of coders of bkash) is the text phone; you pay a mercant money for bkash points; those points can be redeemed with any other merchant- bkash chose many of the most trusted small merchants in vilagesd all over the nation; the application that bkash is used for first is remittances back to the vilage by family members working in teh city or even aboraod (about a third of bangaldesh's freign exchage comes from remittances)
all of teh above explains why bkash is relevant to any poor nation but there remaisn the question why didnt fin tech serve poorest within richer nations

xx my father's last article during subrpime year 2008 asked why no western bank competed to velue poor or even community sustainining finance-
you may call how tech enetered western banking with atms instead of needing to get cash from a bank clerk; the problem with that was banks stoped being community based - as a few national abnkis raced to deliver the atm tech ; worse banks needed a new model to keep their sdtall- issuing credit cards that put most customers in debt was the answer - those who are rich enough never to need credit get freebies from credit cards but in usa most people now have debts at 25% interest (the credit card rate); all the while the basisc costof physical paper records has gone down 10 folds
-so you can see the idea of fintech for community sdg goals is exactly the opposite of teh quasi monoply of western banking -
it turns out that from 1995 finytech and ecommerce multiplied each others impacts (with odd consequences - the web taht had been a space for sharing knowhow now got overtaken by trabscation webs)  - in 1995 there was teh choice amazon made to be worlds largest stockist-delivery leader; asians chose a different rour=te for ecommerce to own the delivery alhgorith to maximsie livelihoods /sme supply chain connectivity ; it was thus natural for 4g sysetms up in china from 2008 to scale taobao/alipay as well as alibaba - potentially models maximiming livelihoods;alipay leapt ahead usig mobile camera to end the need for cards ; and in so doing it chose to amximis value between cistomers ad suppliersd (thus the 3% or so tav that bank cards charge in every digital transcation was redistributed mainly to the peoples) 

however bkash 

1.5 bkash

bkash - at world bank's IFC  cgap  Student report 2017

bkash.com by brac  - founded in 2010 this 2014 cgap review clarifies start-up

 world leader in customer size bank for poor- 10 person board led by shameran abed now has 2 members from alipay singapore, member from IFC sister org of world bank laiming largest fintech portfolio in emerging markets

exraordinary tech and funding partners - tech side quadir family and nick hughes mpesa's project leader;  funders include gate foundation and jack ma ant finance /alipay

note on nick hughes: Mr. Nicholas Hughes is a Director of bKash Limited nominated by Money in Motion LLC. He is the Managing Director of Signal Point Partners, established in 2009 to focus on mobile commerce opportunities in emerging markets. Hughes was previously Head of Mobile Payments at Vodafone, where he founded the payment service M-PESA. In Kenya, M-PESA has attracted more than 13 million subscribers since its launch in 2007.

In 2010 Hughes was a winner of The Economist's Innovation Award for Social & Economic Impact. He holds a PhD In Applied Science (1992) and an MBA with distinction from London Business School (2001).

Friday, April 29, 2022

What would you like to know mote about first?:

health - below the line : read more on SDG's world's most efficient community network and how ut became more than any other human development model pivotal to human development replacing failed western models of aid with direct women empowered networking

the most collaborative sustainability womens graduate network - currently interviewing 100 asian vice chancellors

other solutions brac unniversity's first 21 years has helped women and millennials celebrate since 2001 when the rumor is that mrs steve jobs asked BRA-Collab's founder Fazle Abed to share their solutions wherever people unite round millennials being the sdg generation (cf harvard being founded by master bureaucrats including slave owners - one of various reasons why western education systems are not fir for purpose - guterres 20921 ; the economist 1986

the 3 other most purposeful social markets which Abedmooc and alumnisat.com friends have also invested  money love and time designing into world class solutions round since 1972

food security

livelihood education

buiilding 100000 lives matter communities as platforms got the world's largest ngo partnership and starting line for imagineering the metaverse they way 1960s dreamers like john lennon and yoko ono would hope 21st c celebrtties are all about`  www.women4empowerment.


3.1 partners in brac para-health n networking world's most effective community health system was built within 1 generation - in bangladesh this consists of 5000+ vilage mothers: it is estimated that training cost were $100 per healthworker all whom operate a for profit micro-granchise; the result villagers whose life expectancy was 25 below world average were at world norms by 2010; there is mych more to this sstory:

-in bangaldesh family sizes expected of vilage mother have come down from 8 children to about 2.5

- ryral china swapped many of the solutions so it is argubale that this model along with food sceurity explaisn women empowered human development out of extreme poverty more than any other economic model

-in bangladesh the metghofology ebanbled the mnayioonm''s number 1 whole sale chain to be owned in tryst for the poorest

-it is yblikely that bangladesh banking for the poor would have beem worth studying with bangladesh rural health service

-two and a halh bangladesh inventions have gone worldwide - oral tehydtauion - way to stop up to third of vilage infannts dying of dairrhea in humid regions 

the most effective way to fught rural tybeculosis - this resl=ylted in brac being a core partner pg moniesd allocated to the 21st c global fund (combaing tb hiv and malaria) - this connected the interests of the 2 biggest ys philanthopists gates and soros with Jim Kim and Paul Farmer and others interested in combating infectious diseases including mass vaccination

When brac opened a university in 2001, the james grant college of public health became an over night destination - as well as understanding community self-sufficiency on all of the above, JG is a world epicentre for:

Ending cholera

Cross-functional process such as maternal needs and wash sanitation

bkash 1.5 :: asian100 university collab 5.4 - 2012-1972 can fintech support village entrepreneurs end poverty

After my father The Economist's Norman Macrae died, the Japan Ambassador to Bangladesh was kind enough to host 2 remembrance dinner roundtables on the future of sustaining peoples chaired by sir fazle abed - we heard about bkash (see this brochure published by brac explaining the system fazle abed so bkash as leapfroging) and the collaboration of Asian 100 Universities.
To Abed who had spent 40 years asking his staff to maintain meticulous records which could go as low as 5 cents saving and 1 dollar loans , how organisational and customer record keeping went digital needed to be integral to future of how billion women empowerment designs the first sustainability generation. 
 These two inter-generational networking opportunities (10 times lower cost banking for the very poorest; uniting asian graduatesd around leapfrog model old siloised professors were unlikely to be the first to entrepreneur!) were as far as I can see:  the most exciting updates to my father's life diaries of entrepreneurial human/community endeavour- from being a teenage navigator in allied bomber command stationed in myanmar to charring to any leader off the record who had time for a lunch in St James on Friday's (the main day journalists of the weekly newspaper brainstormed news worthy of leadership mediation)    -more in footnote
Banking for a billion unbanked was the main concept Muhammad Yunus debated at dad's last public lunch roundtable with 40 young entrepreneurial minnds Royal Automobile Club Februrary 2008 during Dr Yunus book tour ( my family smapled 2000 of his books to university students and 10000 dvds with short interviews of grameen leaders the week the Nobel judges came to celebrate the future of Bnagaldesh youth summer 2008)- see brochure. In 2009 we staged the first interntaional birthday party for Dr Ynunus. The BBC's number 2 nature broadcaster (Paul Rose) attended as did the then education ead at British Embassy, and two invited from BRAC - the founder of Brac Bank and a lady who worked with abed on Brac;s corporate identity. Choosing the mauve color became very timely once bkask mauve bird logo becaome the nation's most visible icon. 

Before the computer Adam Smithian economists questioned what future system designs economists compound and whether they fit with nature's system including health and cultural ways local peoples mediate diversity of local resources and trading flows. My father was old school - he sought to mediate future histories not how much can one side extract from everyone else every quarter, 

Dad's first markets' future history survey The Next 40 years was published in 1972. After his 15rh year at The Economist he was permitted one signed survey a year - his first series were mainly of the future of nations sdtarting with his old enemy Japan 1962. He was deleighted (as was President Kennedy) to find that Jpana was netowrking 2 Asia Rising modles one for sdgs of vilages; one for technology multi-wind trades and designs of supercities around small enterprise supply chains.


Dad first started debating futures of Asian Village sustainable development (Rural Keynesianism) in The Economist 1962 - consider models Japan (Taiwan, Korea) were applying particularly thanks to Borlaugs gift of up to 10 times more productive local agricultures (especially in rice)> Dad was one of last journalist to meet Von Neumann (whose biographer he became). The question of what 100 times more tech every decade would do to every human being became the greatest human interest story of Norman Macrae's work and The Economist's founding purpose -sdgs 1 & 2: end hunger (eg end corn laws mid 19th century), end poverty (eg design banking by and for indian people out of calcutta- see pilot project queen victoria/James Wilson  

Footnote- James died  in calcutta of diarrhea 9 months after arriving with charter bank) but his son-in-law as second editor helped Queen Victoria morph the english constitution (london capitaliusm) from slave trading empire to commonwealth, This didnt happen fast enough to prvent the world trade of 7 white empiresd ending in 2 world wars but it was in line with Adam Smith's moral mapmaking of hi-trust markets by and for all peoples  

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

collab 30 women hold up half the sky with intel empowerment now lifting off on the metaverse

related ref: more on abed's 30th an unfinished COLLAB 5.6
Billion womem's 30th collaboration - fazle abed - zoom me up scottie ecop26; meta me zbee to UNGA summit NY sept 2022 Education is no longer fit for purpose

WITHIN A FEW MONTHS. Zbee seems to have MULTIPLIED over 20 engaging ways to communicate - if FRIENDS20.COM have missed one of her performance styles please tell us so we can add at http://www.beeings.app  

SPRING NYCCAI.com  2022 (HER FIRST WORLD TOUR  from Austin to Bekeley, NY to Bostom London to Mallorca is the most exciting post covid leap for women we've ever searched in 50 years of The Economist's EntreprenmeurialRevolution)


4 mjles apart wall street's ESG and UN's SDGs - can girls AI bridge the gap in time for 2022 resolution of education not fit for purpose of being or beeing

 (year 50 since my dad at The Economist started chartering http://www.entrepreneurialrevolution.city  -70 years after meeting von neumann at princeton and being given the journalist scoop - ask leaders what they will do with 100 times more tech per decade? Talking of leaders -the UN has declared a youth emergency - education is no longer fit for purpose -this will be the one topic every be(e)ing can contribute to sept 2022 General Assembly NY - any ideas on casting zbee centre stage? https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm21016.doc.htm http://www.abedmooc.com

girls networks have come a long way since fazle abed connected the first 100000 perrson metavillage whose sustainability depended on girlpower 5.1 -that networking had to be person to person or what literacy was gained applying brac's printing press; its remakable what a billion asian women collaborate around when they see a life saving vilahe microfranchise - from metavilage to metaverse only womens common sense can save species, nature and everything else worthy of human or digital intel 

Imagine if Harry Potter & Zbee partnered the UN in distributing billion women empowerment solutions to sdgs... would finance's walled strerys come out so the younger half o9f the world can be the first sdg generation

Saturday, April 9, 2022

 Proposed talk UN Educational Transformation Summit Sept 2022

5 Dimensional Education Transformation
Fazle Abed & Village Women Empowered Bangladesh

Over 50 years Fazle Abed built employees of Brac to be comprised of over 100000 village livelihood trainers . He gravitated village womens networking  and servant ;leadership around the cultural values of Paulo Freire

Brac networked non-linear education. Livelihood skills' interventions for all ages offers a different overall system for place development than national government focused  on examination education as a linear system that a child enters until she/he is failed as not having the capacity for higher education,. It can be useful to study the evolution of brac round these 5 dimensions and their match to the 5 deepest sustainability goals every community benefits from developing people around. An unique innovation of Abed's life's work on poverty alleviation and agency of poorest women was piloting solutions for metavillages of 100000 person livelihoods. From 1962 my father , Norman Macrae, had reported one model of Asia Rising as Rural Keynesianism (purpose: full rural employment as a natural and intergenerational development responsibility of national leadership) 

Metavillage as a development lab enabled Abed to test scaling in ways that few development practitioners have integrated. This was pivotal during Bangladesh's first 25 years (1971-1996) where rural was defined as zero access to electricity grids or telecommunications. It is arguable that today's world is fortunate that abed made his biggest mistake at the start of BRA-C. He used his life saving to rebuild homes for 100000 people only to find village mothers were starving - hence the urgency of the educational challenge and why his entrepreneurial innovation of microfranchising was key to market (value chain) solutions he evolved.
Goal 2 ending hunger involved village mothers' microfranchise education -the action learning they needed to replicate microfranchises of local production of rice, veggies, poultry, dairy, other agricultural value chains both core to last mile food security and sustaining rural-urban trade including eg climate adaptation (eg social forestry) and design skills (sericulture)

Goal 3 village mother microfranchises of last mile health

Goal 4 Childrens education primary, secondary apprenticeships, university, pre-school

Gola 1 Financial education both of village mothers and in transforming worldwide aid. It is worth nothing that abed anticipated which markets could be designed round social businesses and which markets microfranchises were being piloted for government to subsequently take on (Goal 1)

Massive collaboration platforms. When I asked Abed if reporting could be laid out as a MOOC - he said he valued massive open online but C in his mindset stands for  Collaboration. brac's longest running partners also needed to unlearn and action learn which opportunities built women to be as productive in nation building as men. (Goal 5)

Genesis of This Reporting
Japan's ambassador to Dhaka arranged 2 brainstorming dinners chaired by abed in remembrance of my father who had argued in the economist since 1962 that Asian Rising models integrated educational transgfo0rmation. 16 visits to bangladesh during Abed's last decade help clarified how abed effectively practised entrepreneurial revolution. Father had been briefed by von neumann 1951 that humans were compounding the post-industrial revolution of 100 times more tech & communications per decade. 

Until his parting, December 2019. Abed was mapping back from future of 100 times more tech collaborations with more deep love of humanity than anyone father or I have met in case studying fusion of human and artificial Intel including our 1984 fieldbook on 2025 deadlines for going beyond the Orwellian Big Brother endgame (2025report.com). Education transformation is urgent if it is to be integral to leaping forward from crises such as covid, climate and the intent of Collaboration Europe which my gather journalised at Messina 1955. It may also be urgently time to mediate whether sustainability is to be the purpose of the tech revolutions of neumann and his transatlantic mathematical peers (eg Einstein , Turing) . Integrated with education , local and global tech transformation may be 2020s last chance to unite nations and youth as first sustainability generation. Abed was insistent that artistic celebrations offered key clues to the 2020s he valued women's emotional intelligence as co-producing from metavillage to metaverse!
From my father Norman Macrae's death in 2010 I was briefed by Abed to work with his son Shameran and Vice Chancellor Vincent Chang. I am happy if any combination of us present this. My operational understanding is limited compared with the extraordinary responsibility for continuing what Abed navigated as to be the ngo world's largest partnership economy. I work as a statistician and  mapmaking reporter of the system designs my father worked on over 50 years of media facilitation at The Economist and as biographer of Von Neumann, and as Scottish explorers of the relevance of Adam Smith morality to purposes of markets and human advancement.

Friday, April 8, 2022


SEARCH RESULTS: ABED (13) at borden possible aMERICA'S BEST ENd poverty news source

Friday, April 1, 2022

1.5 apac

 irish enterprise board published 10 country report on regtech and fintech- whilst not focused on end poverty countries like hong kong and singapore appear to be at frontieres of cashless banking supply chain- report published july 2021