20th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Thursday, December 31, 1970

hall of fame -1000 co-builders of abed 30 hunicorns goals 1 to 5 - 50 years of collab networking billion poorest women


2001 brac university founded --current vc vincent chang - back in 2001 founding board advisers included the epidemiologist who had led swarthmore to be a uniquely innovative-community enriching university- where students are celebrated for team projects in communities as much as passing written exams

from the outset the first world class college of brac university is james grant school of public health- in the late 1970s abed, chinese barefoot doctors and unicefs james grant collaborated first in oral rehydration - a solution for saving infants in tropical areas from death by diarrhea- up to third of bangla infants were dying of this and lack of nutrition when bangla was born poorest and 8th most poulous nation 1971; grant was so pleased with oral rehydration which he became worldwide knowledge ambassador that he asked abed if he had a second movemnt to scale nationwide- abed said vaccinate the nation soon extrended by abed and china to vaccinate continental east asia

bill gates jim kim paul farmer became hugely interested in abed's work when they found abed had the most economical village networks for cotaining tb regarded as one of big 3 global fund diseases along with hiv/aids and malaris- see gates global health prize to abed; see jim kim and paul farmer recommendations of abed to soros

.- as a microfranchiser abed always talked about 3es- 

effective does this partner concept solurton work; 

efficient is it unbeatable in multiplying goodwill because it is lean on costs but high on quality; 

expandable  -  one of abeds catchphrases he also lived by- small may be beautiful but in bangladesh large scale is absolutely essential- ie he did not value a solution in a few villages unless he could see affordable replication to potentially 100000 villages

2007 brac usa ny founded with help of george soros who found chair for brac usa at mailman college of medicince columbia u -current head donella rapier

brac international founded in netherlands - now headed by fazle abed's so shameran

in dhaka the field force which may still include 100000 village coaches is headed by mr and mrs saleh- son-in law and daughter of fazle abed- 

regarding financial systems:

brac microfinance is led by shameran abed who also has a coordination role in the other 2 big financial systems brac city bank and bkash- bkash as a cashless bank has a board of tech wizrds and tech investors founded by the quadir family- kamal has led bkash in dhaka having sold cell bzaar to grammenphone; iqbal in boson founded legatum/dubain networks at mit, is now with harvard - related to his networks are the tech wizard nick hughes who designed mpesa while working for vodaphone in kenya, abdul latif which is the foundation of toyota's middle east franchise; mit jpal poverty lab whose founding investor is abdul latif

as new millennium approached, brac village networking across what had started as 90% rural bangladesh represented over a quarter of a century of fazle abed's dedication to BRA - women empowered Bangladesh Rural Advancement ; duaghters and sons of village mothers were part of the trend of moving from village to city which was to make bangladesh 30% urban by sir fazle's death in 2019- quite a slow change  explained by the double colinisation of the peoples until their freedom in 1971 dismissively called a basket case nation by henry kissinger

still abed had founded silicon-valley- japan internet partner establishing bracnet from 1996 - and it was vital to tme nation leading enterprises in 20 rural sectors so that brac orchestrayed agricultural supply chains to maximum sustainability of villagers -all part if the rural keynesiaism model which empowered a billion women villagers to end extreme poverty 2020 vs 1970


is there a way to tabulate top 1000 abed alumni by sustainability compass - we start with regional and goal compasses-q&a welcome chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk


abed 1000 alumni for billion women empowerment - nominate top 1000 loyal friends of abed and billion women empowerment rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

currently missing is tech networks - they do exist but often so deeply embedded in particular platforms that it is best to check with functional leaders

GAMES OF TWO HALVES - ABEDS FORST 25 YEARS WERE SPENT EXCLUSIVELY ON PERSON TO PERSON NETWORK SOLUTIONS- villagers without electricity had no other need for global partners -

96 hara networks silicon valley - japan..........
.01 university eg hackathon networks...........
.06 2g solution networks quadir brother legatum masrecard canada mpesa'a hughes; mid eas toyota abdul latif= mit poverty lab; mit development lab..........
3g up alipay networks, un digital coop nets with melinda gates, yidan hong kong networks..........

.note the 5 way challenge to tech:
community engagement
only finance can really be dvanced by 2g - unless you are embedded in communities the 4 techs with most social and deep data impact come 10 years after western digital dominated by financial

so searching round abedmoocs 6 by 6 hunicorns needs to multiply both the human capital and rech wizardry to purposes of livesmatter key markets- this is something asia's two thords of humans do differently than the white western world which has so often had 10 years first comers advantages in all the componets of industrial rev 3,4 even though all needed to converge round aiforgod platforms if tech is to support 2020s sustainability generation

.health networks within bangladesh check dhaka office exec board...RELATED GAVI; HSG   YOUTUBE;  PIH   YOUNG CHRONICS;WHO GSTEST HEALTH PRIZE ......


 from 1996 start of bracnet 5.3 abed started searching those who want tech to solve sustainability's deepest challenges with one billion women
Bangla Rising..  -village women mr & mrs saleh brac bangladesh-   finance shameran abed L       higher ed vincent chang; policy group ..........
.Rest Asia Rising...........
..Africa & Mid East Rising..........
.Goal 1 finance to end poverty.  shameran abed networks - brac intl  brac ultra other brac financial networks design leadership..........
.goal 2 food asif & tamara saleh (brac dhaka office)  mr & mrs saleh brac bangladesh
..goal 3 health sabina james grant college   t

together with alumni columbia u -country partnerships depending on types of health networks
.health networks within bangladesh check dhaka office exec board...RELATED GAVI; HSG   YOUTUBE;  PIH   YOUNG CHRONICS;WHO GSTEST HEALTH PRIZE ......
goal 4 education vincent chang brac university - erin esp 4.5 / sabina james grant college  (yidan luminaries)..........
..goal 5 100% community platforms: inclusion-livelihoods..........


*****academics sir paul collier

Nov 15, 2011 — Paul Collier, author of The Bottom Billion, has called BRAC “the most astounding social enterprise in the world.” The Economist called it not only ...

*****corporates:  lego - mastercard

45 year co-workers

harvard's mrs martha chen author quiet revolution 1983, and china-health mr lincoln chen also with soros columbia university connector of launch brac usa 2007/8

other 30 year diarist/book

ian smillie freedom from want canadian author  also extreme conflict resolutions eg beyond blood diamonds

deep regional correspondents

nayeema nusrat

berkeley chowdhury center    japan rikkyo u

practice leaders

internet silicon valley -bracnet case 5.3 since 1996  George Hara Founder at DEFTA Partners - abed/hara/japan cell leader

all goal 1 finance net 1.1-1.6 shameran abed including 200 ultra projects with world bank and poverty lab mit/abdul latif- toyota middle east foundation

brac u james grant college sabina

prof erin- coordinator brac u masters in education emotional brain from 3 up - ecp

brac international musa headhunted from care 2015 headhunted from care 2015

(Masa Isono Principal at Coyote Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  Khadem mahmud YusufMuhammad Musa Executive Director at BRAC)

legatum dubai investment bank main sponsor quadir family- cf 2019 nobel economic laureate



soros (see also quadir family including original grsnt village phone partnerships 1996, jim kim, launch brac usa, award-hist of open society laureate, new university collaboration osun)

gates bill and melinda


deep experts

jim kim, paul farmer health for poorest

historically unicef james grant- oral rehydration and vaccination

entrepreneurial revolutionaries

jack ma ant finance 20117 co-investor bkash



corporate foundations

mastercard foundation

lego foundation

german publication on university

practice prize alumni

world food prize borlaug alumni

world health prize bill gates senior

world vaccination prize - 


dfid uk and australian aid

national leaders

gordon brown

sheikka moza  first lady qatar, convenor wise & wish, global sdg advocate for un

princess maxim -netherlands second empire to give aged highest international honor-  special un envoy digital finance for sdgs; netherlands legal home for brac international

queen rania jordan

liberia elene johnson sirleaf

japan leadership  rural keynesianism started in japan taiwan, south korea 1950s - rice's irri lab founded in philippines 1960

rockefeller foundation    ---- david rockefeller

curricula co-designers

financial literacy for primary aflatounn netherlands/india orphanage billimoria

billimoria and hartigan 2005

practice leaders tech for poor and academics

quadir family see also -legatum, soros, nick hughes vodafone, jack ma ant finance, gates




rikkyo university japan


harvard - tarun khanna  author trust  baker library abed  (2014) 35-page  interview “I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT YOU CAN DO GOOD ONLY THROUGH NONPROFIT ACTIVITIES. YOU CAN DO GOOD ALSO BY DOING BUSINESS.”

currently lancet  citizens commission india health care 


nike girl effect    1

peter & jennifer buffett

Maria Eitel - Nike's Efforts to Empower Young Girls ... Fazle Abed explains in this audio lecture how the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) is ...

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