20th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Connections of The Economist & UK Royals Since 1843

Could the Kings English be the LLM the world of AIVeryGood needs in these here 2020S?

if you are looking for verification of why/how uk royal family first became intelligence gravity of what we now call sdgs check out  


or send me a question as to why this suprises you - for example in the english speaking world has anyone done a better servant leader job as queen than Elizabeth 2 (happy if you post nominations but please leave email or other conttact point chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk washington dc and Glasgow Joirnal of New Economics -revisting intelligence of Smith & Watt from the star of the artificial (man made) systems age

And in the UK is anyting nearer to STanford Business Park than the Crown Estate's Cambrridge Science Park (admittedly Brits have a stroke of good fortune that a Greek Singapore family chose Londonn Kings Schools to develop Demis Hassabis- if maths world has ever emilated Neumann-Eistein_Turing let's hope its now Huanh-Hassabis-Li digitally Tripleting London & Stanford & Taiwan/Hong Kong- in my 60 business joyrneys to Asia its Tokyo-Seoul-Taiwan-Hk that refreshes my searches for human intelligence most. But thats probably what I have needed most as a Diaspora Sot who somehow spent most of my life on data collected in London, Paris & DC!! I wish you a less conflicted experience of Capotals!!

1843 It is not known if James Wilson launched The Economist before or after getting informal permission to be Royal Society Newsletter of Changing English Constutution

See footnote of prosectus of The Economist - note until The Economist moved to Saint James the nearest London Village to the palace in 1963, The Economist was near both Royal Society and Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Wilson was  many things including possibly Mad Hatter in Lewis Caroll's Alice

he'd inheruted hus dad's small busineess htmaking hawick

sod it and in london lost a fortune on indigo trades- he became arguably the most serios statitician of trades shipped out of london and then an MP determined to rid the house of vested interests; repealing the cirn laws that were causinf=g starvation of the Irish was where Vicroria and he engaged- over in france kingd had seen teir ending as top down ry=ukers od empire - why not change frim queen or ruling slave traders waves to cooonwealth mediation

so that how in 1859 victoria licensed James to be the bank of india by and for the quarter of the world on india subcontinent; the firsy=t year in calcutta went well- traders liked a say in where the taxes went but then james died of diarrhea- not for 111 years did a leader Fazle Abed find solution -oral rehydration - to death by diarrhea

james son in law became editir 2 of The Economist- some people say his book the english constitution and work on bank of england was as good as that gets

here's the 1843 prospectus -rumor has it James wanted the economist closed when sdg2 death by famine never walks this earth again



And now we beg to submit the following detail of the plans which we have thoroughly organised to carry into effect these objects of our ardent desires, in the following


of a weekly paper, to be published every Saturday, and to be called


which will contain—

First.—ORIGINAL LEADING ARTICLES, in which free-trade principles will be most rigidly applied to all the important questions of the day—political events—and parliamentary discussions; and particularly to all such as relate immediately to revenue, commerce, and agriculture; or otherwise affect the material interests of the country.

Second.—Articles relating more especially to some practical, commercial, agricultural, or foreign topic of passing interest; of the state of the revenue, foreign treaties, &c.

Third.—An article on the elementary principles of political economy, applied in a familiar and popular manner to practical experience; especially in relation to the laws of price—wages—rent—exchange—revenue—taxes—and the relation between producers and consumers abroad and at home; proved and illustrated by the experience of this and other countries.

Fourth.—PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS: Giving at greater length all discussions peculiarly interesting to commerce and agriculture, and especially involving the principles of Free Trade.

Fifth.—POPULAR MOVEMENTS: A report and account of all popular movements throughout the country in favour of Free Trade.

Sixth.—GENERAL NEWS: A summary of all the news of the week,—the Court—the Metropolis—the Provinces; Scotland and Ireland.

Seventh.—COMMERCIAL: Under this head a careful and elaborate account will be given of the trade of the week; with special notices of changes in fiscal regulations; state and prospects of the markets, especially indicating the progress of stocks and consumption; of imports and exports; latest Foreign News, likely to influence future supply; the state of the manufacturing districts; notices of important new mechanical improvements; shipping news; an account of the money market, and of the progress of railways and public companies.

Eighth.—AGRICULTURAL: Under this head we will give frequent articles on improvements in agriculture; on the application of geology and chemistry; on new and improved implements; and in every way, to the utmost of our power, assist that true and independent spirit which is everywhere rising among the best landlords and farmers, to rely on the only safe support agriculture can have—intelligence, ingenuity, and perseverance, instead of deceptive protection. We will give a general detail of incidents, state of crops, markets, prices, foreign markets and prices converted into English money; and we have made an arrangement to communicate, from time to time, in some detail, the plans pursued in Belgium, Switzerland, and other well-cultivated countries.

Ninth.—COLONIAL AND FOREIGN: In which we will furnish the earliest information respecting the trade, produce, political and fiscal changes, and other matter interesting; and, particularly, we will endeavour to expose the evils of restriction and protection, and the advantages of free intercourse and trade.

Tenth.—LAW REPORTS: These we will confine chiefly to such as are particularly important to commerce, manufactures, and agriculture.

Eleventh.—NOTICE OF BOOKS: Confined chiefly, but not so exclusively, to such as treat of the foregoing subjects; including all treatises on political economy, finance, or taxation.

Twelfth.—COMMERCIAL GAZETTE: Price currents and statistics of the week.

Thirteenth.—CORRESPONDENCE, INQUIRIES, &c.: Under this head we especially invite every one to apply for information on all the topics herein enumerated, which we do not furnish, or which is not given in such details as may be required. We have made an arrangement by which inquiries shall be replied to in the next number, if received by Thursday morning, on all subjects enumerated in this prospectus:—POLITICAL ECONOMY AND COMMERCE; FOREIGN COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS; TARIFFS, RATES OF DUTIES, AND PORT REGULATIONS; EXISTING COMMERCIAL TREATIES; POINTS OF COMMERCIAL LAW; GENERAL STATISTICS, connected with our trade for the last twenty years, or earlier, when they exist; AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS AND IMPROVEMENTS; and on other practical and economical subjects required.

EXTRA MONTHLY STATISTICAL AND PARLIAMENTARY PAPER NUMBER:—In each month we will publish an extra number, devoted exclusively to statistics, and the preservation of the statistical parts of documents laid before parliament; many of which, of great value, never at present reach the public eye, or at least in a very limited way. There can be no question that, whether we speak of the economist, the legislator, the merchant, or the trader, statistics must form the most important ground-work of the whole of his reasonings, opinions, and actions; they are, in short, the fundamental facts on which all his opinions and actions must be based to be true; it is difficult to estimate their importance. At the same time we must remark, that however powerful and useful they may be as an instrument, they cannot be used with safety without considerable knowledge of the peculiar subjects, and without the exercise of great discretion in drawing results. This we will endeavour to aid by explanatory notes and observations in the collection and arrangement. Our plan is,—to divide this monthly number into two parts, one for permanent statistics, in which we will commence and collect together in alphabetical order the statistics of our revenue and trade, including exports and imports, navigation, agriculture, and currency for the last twenty years:—the trade with our colonies, and of our colonies with each other, and with this country:—and various interesting statistical statements which we can get relating to the same subjects in foreign countries: the other part we will apply to the statistics of the day: the comparison of our trade, imports, exports, consumption, stocks, &c., of all the leading articles of commerce, between the current year and the corresponding period of the preceding year: and other matters useful and interesting to the material interests of the country.

And at the end of each year, we will furnish a title-page and general index to the whole paper, including the statistical numbers, so that the whole may form a useful volume of reference to the economist, the politician, the merchant, and manufacturer, the agriculturalist, and the general reader.

We have made such arrangements and under such superintendence, as will secure the accomplishment of all that we propose, in a way which we trust will render our objects and exertions useful to the country: we have no party or class interests or motives; we are of no class, or rather of every class: we are of the landowning class: we are of the commercial class interested in our colonies, in our foreign trade, and in our manufactures: but our opinions are that not one part of these can have any lasting and true success that is not associated and co-existing with the prosperity of all.

And lastly—if we required higher motives than bare utility, to induce that zeal, labour, and perseverance against all the difficulties which we shall have to encounter in this work—we have them. If we look abroad, we see within the range of our commercial intercourse whole islands and continents, on which the light of civilization has scarce yet dawned; and we seriously believe that FREE TRADE, free intercourse, will do more than any other visible agent to extend civilization and morality throughout the world—yes, to extinguish slavery itself. Then, if we look around us at home, we see ignorance, depravity, immorality, irreligion, abounding to an extent disgraceful to a civilized country; and we feel assured that there is little chance of successfully treating this great national disease while want and pauperism so much abound: we can little hope to improve the mental and moral condition of a people while their physical state is so deplorable:—personal experience has shown us in the manufacturing districts that the people want no acts of parliament to coerce education or induce moral improvement when they are in physical comfort—and that, when men are depressed with want and hunger, and agonized by the sufferings of helpless and starving children, no acts of parliament are of the slightest avail. We look far beyond the power of acts of parliament, or even of the efforts of the philanthropist or the charitable, however praiseworthy, to effect a cure for this great national leprosy; we look mainly to an improvement in the condition of the people. And we hope to see the day when it will be as difficult to understand how an act of parliament could have been made to restrict the food and employment of the people, as it is now to conceive how the mild, inoffensive spirit of Christianity could ever have been conceived into the plea of persecution and martyrdom, or how poor old wrinkled women, with a little eccentricity, were burned by our forefathers for witchcraft.

 was the big campaign that m

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