Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Thursday, May 30, 2019

brac microfinance integral process: 1.1 1.2 1billiongirls economic model transformed every system eg 3.1 3.3 2.5 1.5 4.4 girls need to be empowered by instead of be powered over

5 facts about bangladesh microfinance  by brac/fazle abed

1 muhammad yunus did not invent microfinance  though he designed a variant which served smaller communities than BRAC and was presented to famous people like the clintons as a banking system independent of nation building processes such as  last mile heath systems and designing agriocultural value chains- in fact as far as Abed was concerned financial services were not really a separate invention at all -they flowed naturally from innovative microfranchise solutions to end starvation and raise life expectancy to worldwwide norms from over 20 below

2)  At least 7 years before yunus was granted the grameen bank oridnance 1983, Abed's responsbilirty for 100000 villagers livelihoods (see metavilage 5.1 and microfranchsie 1.1)  had generated hundreds then thosnands of village women microfranchise operators - and so they needed a savings and loan system to continue beimng the hardest working entrepreneurs nature has ever seen.

3 abed/brac did not assume it was his place to bank for these microifranchsies but the national governemnt around 1974 said it still did nit have sufficient resources for serving rural peoples - so brac as  an ngo had to become the service provider

4 there was therefore never a role for true bangladesh micriofinance to be IPO'd as quarterising profit corporation; the purpose of brac microfinance was to keep scaling more microifranchises in uniting womens community adbancement of sustainability goals; as with anything abed designed positive cashflow sustained scaling and the surplus was invested back in the overall ngo trust. His favorite maxim - small may be beuariful but in bangaldesh large scale is absolutely essential.

5 as with every one of the 30 women empowered collaborations brac microifinance+ was a jigsaw piece fitting multiple other investments in bangladesh women services over the 50 years they progressed from zero access to engines to the market leapfroging partnership stimulated by emergence of solar and mobile from 1995; everything in abed's ngo reinfiorced next stage advances in all of the 5 primary sdgs but always reiterated  improved system design to to include the very poorest (see eg Ultra poor 1.3); if a network does not relentlessly prioritise its service to those in deepest need, then you find that a defing pattern of any every business sector (from banking to education, from land agriculture to health, safety) that the less poor edge out the poorest (its always needs less innovation to serve those that are not facing the extreme edge of existence -this systemic issue applies to anu and all servant leadershsip foci : financial ,health diet, other resiliency crises such as those caused conflicts in the rest of the world such as climate and wars and so populations of refugees )


 here is how forbes reported brac dairy's nation leading value chain 2.5 in 2008 arguably the logistically mnost compled nationwide supply chain that brac took on

 One of the last interviews made of fazle abed covering 1970-2017- ngo advisor had just rated brac most effective /efficient 

“The idea behind BRAC is to change systems of inequity” says Sir Fazle, CEO of BRAC

you can find a come bottle in every corner of the world but not alwasy a vaccine

Published by Jean-Christophe Nothias on January 6, 2017 related search "science of delivery"

As NGO Advisor announces the new edition of the Top 500 NGOs, we’ve decided to launch a series of interviews with executives of organisations that are part of the rankings, the Ivy League of the “for-good” world. Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, Founder and Chairperson of BRAC, opens the series on behalf of 118,000+ employees working for what we acknowledge as the most influential and impactful for-good organisation worldwide.

by Jean-Christophe Nothias | Editor-in-chief, NGO Advisor


Jean-Christophe Nothias (JCN): Being ranked #1 (again in 2018) is an achievement and a fantastic recognition, but it is also challenging. Is there a “too big to fail” risk associated with BRAC?

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed (Sir Fazle): First, on behalf of the entire BRAC family, allow me to express my deepest gratitude for NGO Advisor’s recognition. There are many civil society organisations in the world today working diligently to bring about change in their societies. For BRAC to be placed at or near the top of such a list is a great honour indeed.

I would not say BRAC could ever be “too big to fail.” In Bangladesh, many of the functions that previously only BRAC and other nongovernmental organizations were able to provide are increasingly performed by the State. Successive governments in Bangladesh have been able to reach many more communities through State primary schools, for instance. We see this as a sign of great success. 

I would add that “failure” is not seen as a bad thing at BRAC. I have always encouraged our staff to view failure as an opportunity to improve the services we provide.3.1 During our child survival campaign of the 1980s, our earliest pilots were actually a disaster. This was BRAC’s first attempt to go to a nationwide scale, with a training program that taught rural women how to mix and administer their own oral rehydration solution for children’s diarrhea using locally available water, sugar and salt. At first, fewer than 10 percent of the mothers we had trained actually used the solution. 5.1 We revised the training again and again until we achieved a 100 percent success rate, and then scaled it up to reach every mother in Bangladesh.


JCN: As we explore the non-profit world looking for excellence, it seems like successful organisations are designed more like ‘systems’ than specialized ventures. BRAC addresses a diversity of concerns and embeds many different types of entities to act, some being non-profit, some for-profit corporations. Do you believe this is the future, in order to have a lasting impact and be sustainable? Will social enterprise revolutionize a non-profit sector that is still sticking to the charity approach?

Sir Fazle: The idea behind BRAC is to change systems of inequity, that is true. There are some BRAC programs, however, such as our 1.3 ultra-poor graduation program, which are always likely to require some level of subsidy. I would not call this a “charity approach”, however, since the aim is always to graduate the poorest into sustainable livelihoods, instead of remaining reliant on others.

There are many ways to change the basic conditions of society. One is the social enterprise approach. To use one example—2.5 BRAC built a dairy company called Aarong Dairy, which purchases milk from women farmers many of whom took microloans to buy cows. It is now the largest private dairy company in Bangladesh. This represents one way to create greater opportunities for the poor efficiently and at scale.

But government, civil society organizations, social enterprises, and for-profit corporations all have a role to play. There is no one-size-fits-all model.

I’ve always recognised that donor funding wouldn’t always be there for us. In order to provide long-term solutions at scale—to create significant change in a country like Bangladesh, or in any of the other 10 countries where we work—we have sought a degree of sustainability by developing our own sources of income. I believed we should try never be too reliant on donors.

With microloans, for instance, we recover our costs through service fees charged to clients. We also run social enterprises that serve the poor while generating a surplus for BRAC, in sectors as varied as dairy, textile and 3.2 seeds. This surplus is used to fund programs like education and health.

We even have a commercial bank, 1.4 BRAC Bank, which operates 1.5 bKash, a mobile money platform. By some measures, including the number of regular clients—about 25 million—bKash is now the largest mobile money platform in the world.

Yet it is important to stress that many of our most successful programs, including most of our operations outside Bangladesh, still rely on donor contributions. Our operations in Bangladesh are close to 80% self-financed and, with support from our partners, I anticipate that this proportion will rise in the coming years.

JCN: With an organisation of over 118,000 employees being so impactful, do you think that BRAC has become a poster boy for management schools? Has the Harvard Business School included BRAC in its curriculum?

Sir Fazle: Harvard Business School has indeed prepared several case studies on BRAC which are included in its curriculum. In development circles, one of the things we are best known for is the “science of delivery”—the efficient delivery of services to people in need. This is something businesses can learn from as well.

I agree with Jim Kim, the World Bank president and a proponent of the science of delivery, who says it’s no longer so much a question of what to deliver, but how to deliver it. Perfecting the science of delivery, even for very simple ideas such as the oral rehydration therapy mentioned earlier, can help us uproot even the most deeply entrenched poverty.

If BRAC is emblematic of anything, however, I would like to hope it is a concerted, long-term effort to transform the basic conditions of one’s society.


Would you say that young citizens with a fresh diploma should join an organisation such as BRAC or look for a job in the banking industry?

Sir Fazle: When young people approach me about starting a career in development, I often suggest they spend a couple of years working in the private sector first. When I worked at Shell Oil, I learned how to manage large operations efficiently, something I think served me well when I started BRAC.

That said, for those with a desire to serve others, especially people born with few advantages and opportunities, a career in this field is extremely satisfying. At BRAC, I have always tried to give people substantial responsibility coupled with an appropriate level of authority so they have the space to learn, develop and even make mistakes!


JCN: BRAC’s assumption is that poverty is a system and its underlying causes are manifold and interlinked. Is BRAC a challenge to politicians, or to put it a little differently, do politicians see BRAC as representing some sort of a challenging or competing power to their public duties and power?

Sir Fazle: Certainly not, although perhaps we are a challenge to corrupt politicians. There are many functions, such as education and health care, which can and should be performed by a well-functioning State. As mentioned earlier, the Bangladeshi government has recently done a much better job of making sure that people from poorer areas and backgrounds have access to primary schools. In situations like this, BRAC has very willingly stepped back to let the government do its job.

Politicians tend to see BRAC as a resource, not as a competing power. We provide teacher training to improve state school systems, for example. 4.4 Through BRAC University, we are educating a new generation of civil servants in Bangladesh. Our community health programs work alongside formal health systems, not in competition with them—linking the poor with government clinics, for example, or guiding a pregnant woman to a hospital when complications occur, so that she may have a safe birth surrounded by trained medical personnel. Wherever we work, we seek to help governments function better, not to replace the government.


JCN: Over the next five years, BRAC aims at creating a more inclusive society in Bangladesh, one where inequalities would not rise. Can anyone stop such a tide?

Sir Fazle: Having witnessed such change since Bangladesh’s independence in 1971, I am an optimist. Life expectancy was just 47 years in 1971, due largely to the high rate of child mortality. About a quarter of children did not live to the age of 5. Now life expectancy exceeds 70, and the under-5 mortality rate is less than 40 per 1,000 per live births. Maternal mortality has decreased by 75 percent since 1980; infant mortality has more than halved since 1990. We have also brought down fertility rates from about seven children per woman to replacement level. It has been said that such rapid changes in public health have almost no historical precedent, save perhaps for Japan following the Meiji Restoration.

I believe these changes have taken place in large part because we have developed a more inclusive society—one in which women are empowered to make their own decisions, such as to educate their daughters, instead of being oppressed by patriarchal traditions. Although Bangladesh is still a very conservative society, we have not only met but exceeded gender parity in education, meaning there are now more girls in school than boys. This is a tremendous achievement.

Yes, there are forces that can stop the tide, including the instability of our institutions and threats to law and order. These are challenges faced the world over. We have faced them in the past and come through them, so I remain an optimist.


JCN: As regards its international expansion, where do you see BRAC’s next battles?

Sir Fazle: 1.6 We are developing a strategy to broaden our international outreach, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the basic conditions of many people’s lives remain much the same as when we started in Bangladesh. I would like to see BRAC launch operations in several more countries there in the coming years.


JCN: If there were a ‘Davos of the non-profit sector’ sometime soon, would you like to participate and what would your keynote speech be about?

3.3 Sir Fazle: A Davos-style event for civil society could be something worthwhile and, if I were to attend, I would look forward to sharing some of the lessons learned during 45 years at BRAC. I would likely emphasise the need for non-profits to focus more on effectiveness, efficiency, and operating programs at scale. Businesses are excellent at this; they tend to deliver goods and services with extreme efficiency. Not so with social service organisations. You can find a Coke bottle in every corner of the world, but not always a vaccine.

I recall a story about Donald Henderson, the American epidemiologist who had headed the smallpox eradication program. In 1978, at a meeting in Kenya to announce that smallpox has been eradicated, the director-general of the World Health Organization, Halfdan T. Mahler, turned to Henderson: “So, Dr. Henderson,” the WHO director is said to have asked, “What is the next disease to be eradicated?”

Henderson took the microphone and replied, “Bad management.”

Good management is a skill that can be learned and, in development, it is more essential than ever. If there were a Davos for the development sector, perhaps it could help us learn from one another on the best ways to manage large programs, to deliver services effectively—to improve the science of delivery and rid the world of the disease of bad management—so that ultimately we might eradicate extreme poverty itself.

1 comment:


    I suppose I should no longer be surprised how many American Academics are incentivised to turn another region's system innovation into exact opposites from its purpose simply because it did not fit the washington consensus and standard curriculum that American's neocolonial rule over. If you look at 50 years of my fathers surveys in The Economist or the work of his contemporary heroes eg Peter Drucker, Gifford Pinchot, Ezra Vogel, JF Kennedy, Von Neumann to name but 5 people or many Far east Rising peoples), you will find at least a dozen terms connected with his overall mapping of entrepreneurial revolution which the millennials American examined student has less than zero chance of valuing . Let me say from the outset I cherish the Americam people, without them I wouldm't exist. My dad was a teenage scottish navigator in allied bomber command stationed in Burma, my mpther was the daughter of a Scottish Justice who worked courside with Gandhi in Bombay over 25 years. But I do not value fake media, histoirans with no gamily tree diaries, , and since my father was first briefed by von neumann in 1951 to ask leaders what they would do with 100 times more tech per decade (a million times more if they aim to contribute to intergenerational purpose of 30 yeras), I mathematiucally reject people who write laws in stone even as Industtrial Revolutions 3 and 4 will determine in the Bard's most purposeful question TO BE OR NOT TO BE. Sustainability of humanity during the turn of the millennium we are living through needs to value unprecdented human innovation geared to back from the future celebration of new engineering and blemded architectures (#aiforgood as the Un terms it) not white supreme lawyers stonewalling.

    When we study how women empowerment ended extreme rural poverty of a billion Asians 1972-2019 we need to map value chains of 1 village, microfranchise solutions across hundred thousand village, national leadership and worldwide intervention in aid. When The Economist advised understanding what brac did that other microcredit did not it was referring to the integration of value chains al all these levels.

    This is how Fazle Abed manually blueprinted market structures when 20th c villages meant no access to eg electricity grids as well as linked partners in leapfrog models once solar provided electricity and mo9biles provided communications
