Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Sunday, December 31, 2017

3.4 malaria

 june 2021 WHO announces china becomes 40th country to end malaria- i am sure fazle abed would be applauding - chinese village women were the main ones on continent of asia to open source solutions with bangladesh women - brac's networks fighting malaria in bangladesh 

globally killing 400000 people a year, malaria can be described as a poverty disease particularly targeting infants 

as this science article clarifies notable steps in china's malaria ending journey:

 30 million cases in the 1940s, including 300,000 deaths, to zero in 2017 onwards.

China launched a program to identify new malaria drugs in the late 1960s. As part of that effort, pharmaceutical chemist Tu Youyou screened traditional Chinese medicine concoctions for compounds active against malaria, eventually isolating artemisinin from sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua). Artemisinin became the key compound in the front-line drugs now used against malaria and won Tu a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. China was also among the countries pioneering the use of insecticide-treated nets in the 1980s.


 Annual case numbers dropped over the years, reaching roughly 5000 annually in the late 1990s. In 2012, the country initiated a push to eliminate malaria with a “1-3-7” strategy, allowing local health facilities 1 day to report a malaria diagnosis, 3 days to investigate the case, and 7 days to implement countermeasures. In recent years, Chinese scientists have developed genetics-based approaches to track drug resistance and to distinguish indigenous cases from imported ones...To win certification a program must be demonstrated to prevent the reestablishment of malaria, a particular challenge because China shares borders with three countries where the disease is endemic: Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos.

which of bbc's top 100 women community buiders of 2017 has sustainability scaling 17.1 6.1

 bbc 2017

congrats lin nien-tzu - scaling understanding of  womens menstruation in nepal and anywhere that doesnt understand- see progress nhk broadcast may 2021-we're confident abed bhai alumni applaud your brilliant coomunity building around nepal women to see month not as a curse but rebirth of confidence- and training men - and seeing green visions for future of this movement 

  • Job: Founder, Dharti Mata Sustainable Workshop
  • Age: 34
  • Country of Birth: Taiwan
Connect the inner and the outer world as oneness, follow the natural flow of divine heart, embrace the beauty of feminine cycle, stay grounded with Mother Earth, then you can transform impossible into possible

Lin Nien-Tzu established a workshop in Nepal to provide local women clean and affordable cloth sanitary napkins. Local women are empowered by working in the workshop.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

huni2.1 rice

context as explained in 2009 brac annual report

 Another example of a backward-linking social enterprise

is the BRAC vegetable seed initiative. At present, half a

million of our borrowers grow vegetables as their principal

income generation activity. These women needed seeds

to improve their production so we established a seed

multiplication enterprise. We not only provide quality

vegetable seeds but produce hybrid rice and maize

seeds for poor farmers. Today we are the largest

producer of seeds in Bangladesh.


latest news may 2021

of all borlaug's grreen revolutions that applied to rice across asia saved hundreds of millions from starvation- rice local production first multiplied in japan taiwan korea of 1950s

-here is abed 2008 complimenting rockeller for supporting birth of irri collab philipines 1960

however when brac was born in 1972 chinese villages who abed sought knowledge from on barefoot medics were also collaborating in miracle rice - this report from china 2021 shows the urgemcy of rice efficiency replication in 1970s -our estimates show over 30 million chinese died of starvation in 1960s- 

the organisation system way china replicates any miracle solution endding villagre poverty is different from abed's social business microfranchising but anyone who fails to understad both urgency of need on continent asia 1970s to 1995 and why community solutions were often swapped is at best uniformed

Tens of thousands of mourners from across China flocked to the funeral of 

Yuan Longping
 in the central city of Changsha on Monday in a spontaneous outpouring of public grief for the agronomist and national hero known as “the father of hybrid rice”.

Millions more paid their last respects at a state-sanctioned virtual funeral held online for Yuan after he 

died of organ failure aged 90
 on Saturday, a beloved figure credited with saving tens of millions from hunger in China as well as developing countries across Asia and Africa.

The scale of mass mourning was reminiscent of the funerals of only a few Chinese leaders in modern history, and the crowds of grieving younger people underscored the deep regard for him across generations.

compass goal 2 - 6 main hunicorns of abed and billion asian women who ended extreme poverty 1970-2019
as our diaries from the economist show up to death of jf kennedy americans cheered on across asia - less about the mission impossible hope that moon landing would convey on future industrial revolutions, hugely about borlaug sharing his agricultural revolution and on far east coasts demings engineering revolutions

after kennedy washington dc exponentially lost livesmatter collaborations at home and across asia - fortunately abed as region ceo engineer for dutch oil company maintained joyous connections with netherlands, uk, japan by now what asia rising needed most from agricultural revolutions was something asian poorest women villagers could miraculously network with abed alumni

Monday, November 20, 2017

2.1 rice update 2009

 Achievements 2009

Our research has resulted in the development of 3 new

varieties of hybrid rice - HB 9, Shakti 2, and Aloron 2

Over 5, 500 metric tons of our high quality seeds were

marketed through commercial distributors

Our work in Cyclone Sidr-affected areas showed that:

- the proportion of individuals reporting that they could

eat three meals a day increased from 55% in 2008 to

70% in 2009

- hybrid rice farming demonstrations in the coastal

areas showed the potential of three fold increase in

productivity and four-fold increase in profits compared

to farmers’ current practices

In monga affected areas, we introduced fast-growing rice

varieties to create space for a three-crop regime from the

existing two - thereby raising profits and creating 65 more

person days of employment per hectare

We mobilised a USD 75 million refinancing facility from the

Bangladesh Bank to take credit and extension service to

tenant farmers (sharecroppers)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

2.2 good seeds matter

breaking news: week of transformation education summits - replay world best education summits week - yidan hk -wise qatar -

one of 5 innovations advanced by fazle abed's 50 year empowerment of billion women ending poverty was 2.6 designing 14 agricultural markets in bangaldesh so that poorest women's families integrated into value chain whilst maximising food security of villages, Bangla nation, and friendly international trade (along with garments and remittances bangladesh main foreign currency from goal 2 sustainable food for all)
5.4 question abed hoped to find 100 university partners sharing their graduates during 2022-30 race to UN SDGs- who wants to do that  round sustainable food for all ?-
more E:Food  E:women  Q&A with

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

2.2 fortified seeds

 One in three people in the world is malnourished. Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, iron, and zinc can cause blindness, reduced IQ, vulnerability to disease, and even death. Biofortification—breeding new, more nutritious varieties of staple food crops to increase their micronutrient content—is one promising approach for combatting micronutrient malnutrition among vulnerable groups in many developing countries.

Thanks to the work of HarvestPlus and its partners, biofortified crops—namely vitamin A sweet potatoes, iron beans, and high zinc rice and wheat—are now being grown by farmers and consumed by millions of families every year in more than 30 countries throughout the world.

The program has an even more ambitious goal: to reach one billion people by 2030.  Can it be done? How? 

At a recent IFPRI policy seminar, a panel of experts from HarvestPlus as well as the research and NGO community discussed ways to scale up biofortification and ensure that nutrition remains a global priority.

  • Mainstream it.
    To reach one billion people, biofortified crops must be mainstreamed into the strategies and plans of a wide range of development organizations, governments, and companies.  According to Howdy Bouis, Director at HarvestPlus, this process already is well underway: the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the UN World Food Programme, the African Union, international NGOs such as World Vision, national governments, and private seed companies all either are including or have plans to include biofortified crops into their programs.
  • Reach more urban people.
    ”If we want to reach a billion people, we also have to reach the urban population,” said Anne Marie Ball, HarvestPlus manager of partnerships in Africa.  Some city supermarkets are already offering products made with biofortified crops, such as bread from orange sweet potato. “When mothers know that vitamin A is in the food, they make a choice. You want a better future for your children.”
  • Convince national policymakers.
    Mahabub Hossain, an advisor at BRAC and a member of the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, emphasized the importance of getting national policymakers on board—particularly ministers of finance.  “It’s more than an issue of nutrition,” he said, noting that messages that show the link between good nutrition and economic productivity are powerful.
  • Partner with private companies.
    The panelists agreed that engaging the private sector is crucial to expanding biofortification’s reach. This, too, is already underway. Seed companies like Zamseed in Zambia and Nirmal Seed in India are now marketing and selling biofortified seeds. To scale up, HarvestPlus and their partners must get even more private sector partners on board, and bigger ones.
  • Create incentives and move demand.
    Demand for biofortified crops is already high—but it could be even higher. If countries establish national biofortification policies, enacting laws to sell more nutritious varieties of seeds and crops, and if companies see the benefit in buying and processing these crops from farmers, that will go a long way toward spurring demand. Having the right economic incentive structures in place also will ensure current efforts to scale up biofortification won’t take a step backward. As Bonnie McClafferty, formerly with HarvestPlus, put it, “Farmers will move away from [vitamin A] maize if they can make more money on [traditional] rice.”

In his concluding remarks, IFPRI Director General Shenggen Fan reminded the audience not to forget the roles of trade and policy research. “These are policy issues,” he said.  “Research on policy can identify successes and help us scale them up.”

All agreed that there is no one solution to malnutrition. “A diverse diet is where we want to be,” said Bouis. “We need all pieces of the puzzle, and agriculture has to be part of the solution.” The other pieces of the nutrition puzzle? Vitamin and mineral supplementation and commercial fortification.

Reaching one billion people at risk of hidden hunger with biofortified crops will represent a key step toward achieving the recently adopted UN Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030.

Additional Info

  • author:Marcia MacNeil
  • Link:
  • Date:26 October 2015
  • Media:IFPRI