- pope francis - growth is for the people
Jim Kim
: I asked Pope Francis to work with us and to speak out on the need to end extreme poverty and to ensure where there is growth that the poorest 40% are always included - if he does get involved, and he does become one of our leading spokepeople for the fight against poverty i think we can build a movement the likes of which has never been seen before on earth | .
Search ResultsExtraordinary Jubilee of Mercy - Wikipedia, the free ...
Friday, December 31, 1999
the learning web - dryden 2025report.com +15
The learning revolution : to change the way the world learns
- Publication date
- 1999
- Topics
- Learning, Learning, Psychology of, Educational innovations, Success, Learning ability, Study skills, Self-organizing systems
- Publisher
- Torrance, Calif. : The Learning Web
- Collection
- inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china
- Digitizing sponsor
- Internet Archive
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
1. The future: The 16 major trends that will shape tomorrow's world -- The age of instant communication -- A world without economic borders -- Four leaps to a one-world economy -- Internet commerce and learning -- The new service society -- The marriage of big and small -- The new age of leisure -- The changing shape of work -- Women in leadership -- Your amazing brain rediscovered -- Cultural nationalism -- The growing underclass -- The active aging of the population -- The new do-it-yourself boom -- Cooperative enterprise -- The triumph of the individual
2. Why not the best?: The 13 steps needed for a 21st century learning society -- The new role of electronic communications -- Learn computers and the Internet -- Dramatic improvement needed in parent education -- Early childhood health-service priorities -- Early childhood development programs -- You can catch up at any stage -- Catering to every individual learning style -- Learning how to learn and learning how to think -- Just what should be taught at school? -- Learning on four levels -- A threefold purpose for study -- Just where should we teach? -- Keep the mind open, the communication clear
3. Meet your amazing brain -- You're the owner of the world's most powerful computer -- Your four brains in one -- Neurons, dendrites, glial cells and insulating system -- Your many different intelligence centers -- The two sides of your brain -- How your brain stores information -- Your four separate wavelengths -- Your brain runs on oxygen and nutrients -- Simple tips on brain food -- Your emotional intelligence is vital -- The body and mind as one
4. A do-it-yourself guide: The first 20 steps to learn anything much faster, better and more easily -- Start with the lessons from sports -- Dare to dream and imagine your future -- Set a specific goal and set deadlines -- Get an enthusiastic mentor -- Start with the big picture first -- Ask! -- Seek out the main principle -- Find three best books written by practical achievers -- Relearn how to read faster, better, more easily -- Reinforce with pictures and sound -- Learn by doing -- Draw mind maps instead of taking linear notes -- Easy ways to retrieve what you have learned -- Learn the art of relaxed alertness -- Practice -- Review and reflect -- Use linking tools and memory pegs -- Have fun, play games -- Teach others -- Take an accelerated learning course
5. How to think for great ideas: New program to teach yourself and students creative thinking -- Define your problem -- Define your ideal solution and visualize it -- Gather all the facts -- Break the pattern -- Go outside your own field -- Try various combinations -- Use all your senses -- Switch off-let it simmer -- Use music or nature to relax -- Sleep on it -- EureKa! It pops out -- Recheck it
6. Right from the start: A sensible guide for producing better, brighter babies
7. The vital years: How to enrich your child's intelligence from birth to ten -- The vital importance of step-by-step movement -- Use your common sense -- Build on the five senses -- Use the whole world as your classroom -- The great art of communication -- Parents as first teachers -- Parents in preschool centers -- Continue the same fun-filled approach at school
8. The secret heart of learning: How to program for success in education as in business
9. True learning: the fun-fast way -- New-century guideposts for tomorrow's teachers, trainers -- Putting it all together -- The Simon Guggenheim school experiment -- Fluent French in eight weeks -- The army learns a foreign language in record time -- An accelerated integrative learning teacher -- What's held up the big breakthroughs?
10. Do it in style -- How to find your own learning style and use your many intelligences -- Determining your learning style -- How you take in information -- How you organize and process information -- The conditions that affect your learning ability -- Physical and biological needs that effect learning -- How to determine students' preferred learning styles -- Your unique working style -- Four tips of thinking style -- Test your own thinking style -- The implications for schools and individuals
11. Catching up quick at school -- The world's greatest catch-up programs and why they work -- The mind-body connection and the mind-brain connection -- Specialized kinesiology -- Doman-Palmer-Niklasson-Hartigan models -- The ball/stick/bird method -- Catching up at spelling -- Back writing for mirror-writing problems -- New Zealand breakthroughs -- The four-minute reading program -- TARP: the tape-assisted reading program -- Peer tutoring -- The Look Listen method -- New Zealand's reading recovery program -- Personal key vocabularies -- Beginning school mathematics -- Computerized catch-ups -- The SEED mathematics program -- Three medical educational programs
12. Solving the dropout dilemma -- How to get high on education and not on drugs, gangs and crime -- Using Japan's business methods to improve school -- Integrated studies use the world as a classroom -- Group study and big picture techniques -- Six-week courses build success step by step -- SuperCamp brings it all together
13. Planning tomorrow's schools: The 12 steps to transform a nation's education system -- Schools as lifelong, year-round community resource centers -- Ask your customers first -- Guarantee customer satisfaction -- Cater to all intelligence traits and learning styles -- Use the world's best teaching techniques -- Invest in your key resource: teachers -- Make everyone a teacher as well as a student -- Plan a four-part curriculum -- Change the assessment system -- Use tomorrow's technology -- Use the entire community as a resource -- For everyone: the right to choose
14. Tomorrow's business world -- Big growth opportunities for the learning organization -- Electronic multimedia opportunities -- Accelerated learning business opportunities -- Selling services and training with your products -- The company as a learning organization -- The school or college as a business venture
15. Just do it!: How any country can lead the learning revolution, and so can you -- The Singapore centralized leadership model -- The decentralized New Zealand model -- The new Swedish models -- The certification model -- Corporate leadership models -- The give-it-away model -- The Internet selling model -- The business-teacher-multimedia model -- The Foundation model -- The international conference model -- The learning organization model -- The cluster model -- The Chinese back-to-your-roots model -- Invent your own model
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20.1 Brilliant 20.2 Deming 20.3 Borlaug 20.4 Von Neumann 20,5 Moore 20.6 Kennedy 20,7 Korolev 20.8 Clarke 20.9 Keynes 20.10 Einstein 20.11 Gandhi 20.12 Montessori 20.13 Bell 20.14 Edison 20.15 Ford 20.16 Boeing 20.17 Bard Will Shakespeare 20.18 David Attenborough 20.19 J Ma 20.20 Akio Morita 20.21 Royal Families of Japan UK and Netherlands 20.22 Fazle Abed BRAC U -story of the year- Something accidentally weird happened when man started to develop machine engineering in 1760 -origin Glasgow University James Watt. At that time and for the next 100 years England, representing less than half a per cent of peoples on earth, was the most superpowerful hub of trade and knowhow in the world. Their higher education colleges, oxbridge, were extremely influential. They determined what children who spoke the english language spent their time being examined on. For some reason -SEE THIS REFERENCE www.normanmacrae.net from diary of World Record Job Creator Adam Smith - the empire's higher education system did not make goal 1 ending poverty its overarching "values" purpose. In fact, we are not sure that a university system began to be designed around Goal 1's purpose until 2001 when Fazle Abed decided that 30 years of empowering the worlds poorest women to end poverty was a worthy alumni network for humanly innovative 21st c universities- further ref BRAC U a member of OSUN worldwide alumni networks
20.23 Unknown Barefoot Nurse 20.24 James Grant 20.25 Gates 20.26 MIT- Quadir family 20.27 Bard College : Botstein 20.28 Ban Ki-Moon 20.29 OSUN: George Soros 20.30 Craig Barrett . episode 3 -31 Schwarzman,, 32 Harrison Owen 33 musk
10 years of remembering Norman Macrae Order Rising Sun, CBE who parted 2010 65 years after his first job navigating raf planes over modernday Myanmar and Bangla . Here's norman's last birthday party with Muhammad Yunus
- since normans parting Adam Smith Glasgow scholars started up Journal of Social Business inspired by Yunus; Yunus forfeited Grameen bank and Japan Embassy in Dhaka clarified sustainability exponentials of Sir Fazle Abed BRAC (worlds most cooperative NGO partnership) BRACU (established to celebrate UN Grants love of public health services) and Bkash (bank for billion unbanked girl empowerment) - discuss sir fazle abed as top 3 worldrecordjobs creator at bracnet.ning.com - we have lost 1 big dataset - ning yunuscity: -here's why Norman only journalist at Messina recommended never t6o let EU bureaucrats get big headed
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In Norman Macrae's life works at The Economist the 3 greatest value multiplying exchange networks with compound impact worthy of a life dedicated to mediating the worlds favorite viewspaper were:
the internet (from 72)
productive livelihoods of girls so destroyed by macroeconomic metrics that became 20th C q3's "disgraceful political chicanery" replacing what keynsians had valued (see last chapter of Generalk Theory). Ironically it was Keynes (Macrae's inspiration at Cambridge) who had explained how the monopolies of analysis that economists rule over - pose the greatest compound threat to the future of youth and especially of girlsA after all children are born with no assets nor voting on the future, and in some war-prone cultures girls are born with even less security or credit.
Extract from 1843 launch of The EconomistWe have no party or class interests or motives; we are of no class, or rather of every class: we are of the landowning class: we are of the commercial class interested in our colonies, in our foreign trade, and in our manufactures: but our opinions are that not one part of these can have any lasting and true success that is not associated and co-existing with the prosperity of all. And lastly—if we required higher motives than bare utility, to induce that zeal, labour, and perseverance against all the difficulties which we shall have to encounter in this work—we have them. If we look abroad, we see within the range of our commercial intercourse whole islands and continents, on which the light of civilization has scarce yet dawned; and we seriously believe that FREE TRADE, free intercourse, will do more than any other visible agent to extend civilization and morality throughout the world—yes, to extinguish slavery itself. Then, if we look around us at home, we see ignorance, depravity, immorality, irreligion, abounding to an extent disgraceful to a civilized country; and we feel assured that there is little chance of successfully treating this great national disease while want and pauperism so much abound: we can little hope to improve the mental and moral condition of a people while their physical state is so deplorable:—personal experience has shown us in the manufacturing districts that the people want no acts of parliament to coerce education or induce moral improvement when they are in physical comfort—and that, when men are depressed with want and hunger, and agonized by the sufferings of helpless and starving children, no acts of parliament are of the slightest avail. We look far beyond the power of acts of parliament, or even of the efforts of the philanthropist or the charitable, however praiseworthy, to effect a cure for this great national leprosy; we look mainly to an improvement in the condition of the people. And we hope to see the day when it will be as difficult to understand how an act of parliament could have been made to restrict the food http://normanmacrae.ning.com/#and employment of the people, as it is now to conceive how the mild, inoffensive spirit of Christianity could ever have been conceived into the plea of persecution and martyrdom, or how poor old wrinkled women, with a little eccentricity, were burned by our forefathers for witchcraft