New Nation Bangladesh 1971 was built on an educvation revolution; this summer Bngakdesh 2.0 is to be designed around an Intelliugfence Revolution0 can you help Muhammad Yunus and Bangladesh wpmen empoiwermnt develop a stanrad that half of the wpr;d'\s stations need AI to unlesh if poorest and nations and those most needing green economy are to validate UN SDGs as milennials chnace to be the suataoinaboility generation
In bangladesh education is designed non-kiebnarly for every age that needs help to see how to become productive
For ten years the focus was training vilage motheres to run sutvival critical local busiens micrfranchises such as rice farming or door to door vasic medical goods or arts deisgns for clothes; as well as sustaining a frabnchise with postive cashflow many of tehse mother needed to gain literacyb for the first time
During those first 10n yeears some of the mother had become trusted foir basuc heakth purchases; they became involved in nation wide training if oral dehydation and mass innocculation
From 1982 the vialge moters wanted to run proimaru schools - so this was the second main education system to be built
3rd was apperenticeship for teen awhoc met at library clubs and other spaces
4th wasuniverity
5thb as one of the research inovations at teh universitry - world clas preschools
So given bangladesh is built round vilage motehrs maximising intellugencve connnections, how aigod stabnrads can help design bangla2.0 is arguably human develooment's most exciting question