across much of asian continent problem definition 0f human development in second half of 20th c
less than 10% of people live in cities; over 90% of health budget goes to cities; main crisis of underemplyment in rural areas - which have no access to electricity grids or other engineering
japam was the main nation to have already solved this and with american occupation this accelerated; after the korea war south korea advanced too
taiwan was the next country to solve this - city superports like hk and singapore didnt have this problem but almost all other asia nations did
so which countries took on what the economist called rural kenesianism and how
the answer reported in the economist surveys of half the worlds people 1975-7 is that china found a way
then countries either with major chinese diaspora or who swapped rural women empowerment solution particualy bangladesh
the 3 keys:
in some way increase rural health local health capacity -it turned out 20 years of life expectancy depended on massice local basic knowhow
find some way of financing full employement of rural peoples
make sure rural food production is maximised efficiently by networks of small enterprises