Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Monday, May 3, 2021 countdown - part 2 2007 to 20 dec 2019 part 1 back from future was told by economist reporters first published in english 1984 last published in swedish 1993; combined with bio of von neuman thrugh the 1990s; and norman macrae's last birthday dinner at the royal automobile club 2008

like many people 9/11 was a wake up call; i try to donate at least a day a week to pro bono stuff that mightgive me a new understanding; i volunteered to host the eu's knowledge board section on emotional itelliegence - the nearest topic they had to auditing trust my mathematical passion that i had spent the 1990s trying to ember =d in worlds lagest advertising and acunting agencies wihou success

knowledgeboard's debates across all eu contries also got observed from other parts of the world - an australian medic asked could i help run the reception at a summit he was hosting inlondon involving experts on globla reconcilation from 50 countries; sure thing and the next year i was presenting at his summit held in delhi near parliament at the indira national cultural centre - much more grassroot tha you can imagine - it was filled withgandhians and iur accomodation was the local ymca - wj=hile i researche asian markets for ubilever since 1982 - i was now opening my eyes to deeper system crises still unreolved by the old english empire... 

part 2 aka
our first trip to bangladesh xmas 2007 a year after george soros; unlike soros we met yunus first connected with adam smith scholars who were helping him design nearly free nursing colleges; we made 10000 dvds of all yunus partner celebrating the coming of the nobel prize judges to speak to dhaka youth in 2008; but next summer when we hosted a 69th birthday party for yunus bring the bbc's number 2 green broadcaster things started going politically wrong; from then on we decided the knowhow of fazle abed was deeper

it turns out that abed did not start with microfinance; in 1972 he built 14000 homes for refugees- a community of 100000 of the very poorest in the world; next he observed what happened in this village district far away frtom electricity grids; half the population had no livelihoods; basically women were locked down to village homes where they were expected to breed children- half of whom died before the age of 5 mainly through dehydration or lack of nutrition

so abed designed a microfranchise where a village women could earn a livelihood going door to door to 300 villagers selling non-prescription medicine and giving away the free oral rehydration solution that ends infant death by diarrhea as long as the mother does it in time

it turned out that east of bangladesh poorest village mothers in tropical china needed the same networking microfranchises; over and over bangladesh poorest women and chinese poorest women shared solutions- next cam rice science and vegetable science to end famine - 

only when abed had tens of thousands of women earning small positive incomes did he design microfinance

so an abed mooc really needs to catalogue 6 types of solutions- one space peer weekly slot in a 6 week rehearsal of asia end poverty's  -aka rural keynesianism the economist 1977-  deepest ever compendium of solutions

food security
resilient community

and one abed did not talk about place branding - the last thing abed wanted to do was be a problem to the government; he always wanted to cooperate but keep womens netwrks transpatent trusted by connecting the deepest life critical data empowering their person to person networks

but in the last 20 years of abed's life 2 things started happening; workdwide tech partners designed experiments in bangla viaages; 3hat  couod village women do with mobile or with solar

meanwhile at a private dinner paerty in silicon valley mrs steve jobs asked abed why have you never shared your solutions globally; so abed knew more about how the billion poorest contintal asians ended extreme poverty than anv=yone as he lived with it 1970-2019; before thqat he had been regional ceo for shell oil so he also knew how geographically bangladesh people had got the shortest stick of the colonia area
first england had colonised their region as well as india
in the 19th century asia's biggest port was calcutta mainly connecting bangladesh
then when thr british moved the capital of idia to delhi and gave up trading much through calcutta as they were now ruling trea and sice trade diresctly out of hong kond and the caton areas

then when the englist ithdrew -declaration of indepenence assigned the region of bangladesh as colony of west pakistan

thats where sir fazles 50 year support of his poorest village peoples beigins in 1970- one millionn people killed all around him by cyclone; another million by the war of indepence and the refugee dispalement; another million by dehydration and starvation

so nobody really knew more about what the place we call bangldesh needed to develop from worlds poorest nation and 8th most populous - and as an ngo he aleays sought to advance 2 things- empower the vllage mothers to end poverty; empoer their children to expand a rising middle class

look around the world- does anywhere have a person whosr knowhow mattered more to a billion people; isnt it wrth catalogi=uing the foudations in a mooc before tech and sdg challenges spin so fast that nobody will know the whole story of the place brand of bangladesh and its worldwide collaboration with lives matters communities

footnote some more recaps of Economist norman macraes 65 years after surviving last days as teenage navigator in allied bomber command stationed in burma modernday myanmar
One of them is communist China, which has been following a policy which Macrae calls "rural Keynesianism." The others are "capitalist roaders" such as South ...
Jun 25, 2010 — Norman Macrae, who died on June 11 in London at the age of 86, looked into ... He even coined a few words like “telecommute,” “stagflation,” ...
China on Its Way to Becoming. Japan, via Sweden. Norman Macrae ... achievement of rural Keynesianism. The second greatest may be that China could be set ...

by TC MILLS · Cited by 34 — duct of U.K. monetary policy in this period can be found in Norman Macrae, 'Towards a Keynesian Friedmanism,”. The Economist, June 17-23, 1978, pp. 37-41 ...

Apr 2, 1978 - ... and what Norman Macrae, deputy editor of The Economist, calls China's present‐day rural Keynesianism are expressions of that compulsion.


  1. Make an Issue of Rights in China? By Robert W. Barnett
    April 2, 1978 Credit...The New York Times Archives
    WASHINGTON—The nation is putting before itself a practical question: Should we make Peking's record in handling what Americans call the “human rights” of the Chinese people an obstacle to normalizing diplomatic relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China?

    We should not. I go further. We should want to seek better understanding of the moral content in how and why Peking has sustained the legitimacy of its authority through means alien to the political experience of the Western world.

    The psychic and philosophical premises upon which the Chinese system operates differ from those of other countries, whether or not Marxist, affluent or developing. But we should hesitate to condemn them as less moral merely because they are different from those of other societies. In fact, China could be giving clues to perception of moral necessities that we may be obliged to recognize if we begin to believe that we cannot assuage our economic and social dissatisfactions merely by perpetual opening up of new‐resource frontiers, geographical and technological.

    After World War II, Chiang Kai‐shek was supported by friends at home and abroad in an effort to restore pride and effectiveness to a Chinese ‐system crippled and demoralized by 150 years of humiliation and catastrophe. But the tragic fallacy in Chiang's leadership was that its legitimacy and moral sanction had stronger roots abroad than within his own Chinese environment.

    The People's Republic of China won its civil war because its authority was based upon strictly Chinese resources; its leaders achieved total national selfreliance through mobilization of the moral support of a population commatted to egalitarianism in the way it looks, it talks and behaves.

    Visitors from other parts of the developing world, awed by that achievement, can identify administrative mechanics, but cannot imagine infusing their own people with the moral devotion upon which the Chinese system appears to he built.

    Harsh national necessity shapes China's assessment of “human rights.” The “first right is to survive. With China's population of 900 million to 950 million growing at a thundering rate of 15 million to 20 million year after year, the challenge to China's survival has been pervasive, sustained and profound.

    China's responses, both voluntary and directed from Peking, reverse the stress in the freedom‐and‐duty matrix upon which Western democratic traditions are built. But in Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and in China there seems to be utterly natural acceptance of the age‐old Confucian tradition of subordinating individual liberty to collective obligation—for example, to the family. So here may be the clue to what deep in the imagination of Chinese everywhere is their moral equivalent to the individual human rights that Americans believe are sanctified by the Holy Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights in our Constitution.

    From the days when China's leaders lived in Yenan caves to the establishment of national authority in Peking, through the Great Leap Forward, through the Cultural Revolution, through the arrest of the Gang of Four, and the re‐emergence of the twice‐humiliated First Deputy Prime Minister Teng Hsiao‐ping, there has been a remarkable continuity of Chinese commitment to self‐reliance and egalitarianism‐China's moral accommodation to the necessity of survival. China's unshackling, of its women, the “barefoot doctor,” the mass participatory harnessing of China's rampant rivers, and what Norman Macrae, deputy editor of The Economist, calls China's present‐day rural Keynesianism are expressions of that compulsion.

  2. continued... there has been a remarkable continuity of Chinese commitment to self‐reliance and egalitarianism‐China's moral accommodation to the necessity of survival. China's unshackling, of its women, the “barefoot doctor,” the mass participatory harnessing of China's rampant rivers, and what Norman Macrae, deputy editor of The Economist, calls China's present‐day rural Keynesianism are expressions of that compulsion.

    Washington and Peking will enter into normal diplomatic relations with each other because doing so serves the self‐interest of both countries. Neither should entertain expectation that it can reform the other. We must respect China's right to be different, or, doing otherwise, expose ourselves to charges of self‐righteousness, demagoguety, and possibly even of imperial intent.

    China's now‐emerging personalities, procedures and political vocabulary offer promise of greater readiness by China to deal more forthrightly with other countries around the world. With respect and curiosity, Washington should hasten toward establishing normal diplomatic relations with Peking so as to ease exchanges of ideas, persons and goods from which the two countries can mutually benefit together and in their relations with other countries of the world community.
