no sooner than abed had 5.1 built 15000 village homes for refugees (1972) whose homes had been raised to the ground by war of independence- than abed found most women in village had noting to do but breed children up to a third of whom were dying before the age of 5 of the tropics greatest infant killer: diarrhea- the nations cholera lab had found a solution oral rehydration - what a dehydrtaed infant urgently needs is potable water sugar and salt mixed in exact proportions; the lab didnt know how to teach tens of millions of mainly illiterate mothers who had no access to electricity grids (hence no communications other than person to person networking)
unicef started declaring year of child from 1977- so abed saw the opportunity; he tested how to connect mothers across his metlab of 15000 homes and applied to unicef for a grant to go nationwide with this villager action learning network; both chinese villagers and unicef's james grant were delighted to start spreading oral rehydration around the world of tropical village mothers; grant was so pleased he asked abed : do you have another village health need- abed said vaccination nation 3.3
if diarrhea is infants biggest risk to life- whats biggest risk to what nature breeds in ocens - -eg stable ph ;ocean heatwaves ...
one of bangladesh's greatest crises - as you travel down far east coastlines from japan downwards (with sad exception of north korea) extraordinary advances in human lives/wealth have advanced along the coastlines- bagladesh's bay of bengal is the first hugely populated area which has not developed much wealth; at the same time oceans have become the greatest risk to sustaiability in many ways that need both expensive research and local implementation; put another way just as bangladesh women shared with tropical chinese women inland how to save infants from death, bangladesh desperately needs inclusion in far east ocean research and implementation; any failure of western empires to value this is very bad news for billion women empowerments next needs