RAISING >2 BILLION HUMANS INTELLIGENCES BY 25 YEARS. After helping with recovery 1970 cyclone killing half a million of his compatriots, Fazle Abed was nearly assassinated by his employer Royal Dutch Shell and the Pakistani army. Fortunately he spent his remaining 50 years celebrating intelligence development of the poorest 2 billion parents notably growth of 1billiongirls. For over quarter of a century all networking was done by word of mouth and sight of book because in Asia 20th c village life still meant no access to electricity grids or telephone lines. Fortunately both Computing Whizs Jobs & Gates were both partly dis-satisfied with western apps of pc networks which they had begun in 1984. Around 2001 they both hosted silicon valley 65th birthday wish parties for Abed as global village tech envoy. Partners in life critical challenges had begun to bring abed's village mothers solar and mobile to co-create with. Abed changed the way Jobs saw tech futures of education (see ) and how Gates saw global health fund foundations and overall the valley's university stanford started to see as far as intelligence of Women and Youth goes the most life critical knowhow for 2 billion humans wasnt directly measurable in 90 day monetary flows; it was measurable in increased life expectancy by over 25 years during Abed's community servant leadership. Probably the greatest lift in intelligence until celebrations of what Fei-Fei Li opened the worlds eyes to in 2012, and Melinda Gates and Nvidia's Jensen Huang were first to helped AIforall lift since 2014.

Friday, July 9, 1976

more at www.economistjapan.com including after 15 years of sub-editing, norman macrae's first annual survey at the economist consider japan- reader reviews include jf kennedy's

back to middle of 20th c-perhaps it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that it took one of the 2 island nations that most colonised borders up to world war 2 to culturally rollback a higher purpose for uniting peoples www.economistjapan.com


chris macrae at welcome to SDGIRLS.net and economistsports.net - 2 months ago
*2020s 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G 1970s* *help! with top 20 Economist challenges* *these are the most exciting times to be alive* *E2 Jack Ma and E3 Sir Fazle Abed* *The most exciting game children have never played? World Record Book of Job Creation* *2025 report - last 7 years to global sustainability* *1960s world record jobs creators*......
Back to www.normanmacrae.comSDG education revolution
CommentaryFriends and FamilyFuture HistoryBiographydiary 2020-5


youth hall of fame - japan global friendship associations 1 2 smart intrapreneurs- sony creative lounge

future of HIStory 1945 -to update 2020s version see also Princeton history project connections with osun and von neumanns future of humansai.com

Norman Macrae, having survived teenage navigation of RAF planes bomber command world war 2 over modern-day myanmar/bangladesh, joined The Economist in 1949, and retired as the deputy editor of what he called "the world's favourite viewspaper" in 1988. During that time, he wrote extensively on the future of society and the impact of technology. Norman foresaw species sustainability as being determined by post-colonial and virtual mapmaking- 5G 4G 3G 2G 1G 0G if 60s tech could race to moon and Moore alumni promised 100 times more machine intel every decade TO 2025, let's end poverty mediating/educating a world of loving each others' children- so that wherever the next millennials girl is born she enjoys great chance to thrive.

Soon Norman was celebrating his wartime enemy's rising engineers and win-win sme supply chains across far east and very concerned that tod down constitutions english speaking nations led by political bureaucrats wasn't fit for entrepreneurial revolution-he co-opted a young romani prodi to translate Economist 1976 ER survey into multilingual formats

Amongst some of his more outlandish claims: that governments would not only reverse the nationalisation process and denationalise formerly private industries, but would also sell industries and services that had been state operated for so long that it seemed impossible that they could be run by private companies. A pioneer before the pioneers, Macrae imagined privatised and competing telecommunications and utility companies improving service levels and reducing prices.

When others saw arms build-ups as heralding World War III, Macrae predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall by the end of the 1980's.

SPANNING HALF CENTURY of lives matter development: The Economist Norman Macrae's Archive serves as an on-line library, hosting a growing collection of Macrae articles, newspaper columns and highlights from his books. We hope that you find the articles thought provoking and zoom, twitter or question us - norman's son chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

Norman was a friend of von neumann whose biography he wrote - this gave him 4 industrial revolution scenarios to rehearse human sustainability around: the two from watt and smith in glasgow- machines for energy beyond horsepower, and worldwide communications beyond word of mouth; the two unique to von neumann: immediately from neumann's deat how would 100 times more numbers tech than slide ruler and paper reporting change every job; from around 2020 when ai labs spread everywhere from 1960's twins -stanford and mit- what order of play would sustain or end the world as machines took over from human real time governance

2025report.com preventing extinction: HISTORY"S 2 CRISES - HERSTORY MATTERS MORE TO SUSTAINABILITY, old people's legislative borders wherever unnatural require youth to dismantle them

WHAT IF ONLY ASIANS CAN SAVE THE 2020s? look at the G8 biggest jigsaw pieces of nearly 200 nations who sought to unite san francisco 1945-until the virus came 2020 was due to be the happy 75th birthday of nations 17sdgs as well as the frontline heroics of medecins sans frontieres and partners in health- coalitions of soft power had never been so urgent to valuetrue. Nature does not play with walls, and other games of externalization at borders -only mistaken male professionals do as they systemically confuse the power of big getting bigger with advancing the human lot for all our children including wherever the next girl is born

In 1945, there were just over 5% of people who lived in usa and Canada- they had twice saved the old world tri-continent of asia Africa and Europe from world wars. Most remarkably usa that in 1939 ranked 17th in terms of international navies on a par with Portugal had become the heart of the wining allied forces. You had the two northern islands at either end of the coastal belts of west Europe and far eat asia who had multiplied so many colonial poverty traps across the Asian 60+% majority of human race , Africa and middle east’s 10%. In trying to compete with uk, France had arguably been most brutal in colonizing med sea Africa, slave trading needed to develop America north wars up from louisana, as well as napoleons war of nations which had sucked in austria hungary , Germany and Russia among others.by start of 20th c Germany without colonies to feed its engineers need for carbon and steel had become bellicose across all its borders. This left less than 2% people in the iced up and largest land mass of all ussr ready to be the victims of stalin as the second most fearsome tyrant the first hal of 20th century grew exponentially. All the while half of humanity – women – were left out of how the word capitalized land and counted productivity even though a deeper look would show that the led with educators like Montessori and health networkers like Florence nightingale, marie curie and indeed the Franciscan role of the clares as community health missionaries- the conscience of mother mary if you will. 9se girlsworldbank.com) There were of course further geographic oddities- only 10% of people lived in the southern hemisphere; less than 1% of peoples lived on what became a quarter of all nations the SIDS- small island developing nations with minimal land resources but huge ocean estates very much dependent on climate, and nature including good human nature of tourism. And you had the archipelagos especially Indonesia and Philippines with large populations- one the epicentre of the world trade in medicinal spices – know how the dutch prized nutmeg so much that they were prepared to swap with the uk control of one indonesian holland with their us territory new Amsterdam rebranded new york

in 60 years


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