Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Sunday, September 30, 2018

3.6 james grant school of public health

 if you asked sir fazle of all the global agencies headquartered in usa, whos partnership did he treasure most- i am pretty sure he would say unicef during the james grant years

anyway when abed started brac university in 2001, james grant school of public health was identified as the first word class college- and pretty muck anyone who cared about womens health was invited to give a guest lecture or to nominate a reseatch area

it was james and abed with help from chinese american friends who first scaled oral rehydration across bangladesh and tropical china earning a reciprocation from china on all barefoot medial knowhow

then they repeated the trick on vaccination reaching through a billion rural mothers

-abed had many reasons gfor starting up a university- i like to think him of being 5 years into blefing tech psrtnerships after 25 years of asking potential parters to conect with metavillages cut off from electricity grids and landline telecoms; the opportunity to leapfrog came to bangladesh with mobile and solar in bracs case bracnet partners from hapanese silicon valley venture funds -so on the one hand brac university aimed to become a national university that inspited graduates to be great public servants or village entreprenurs- abed was determined asia could connect 100 sustainability universities sharing alumni and action learing networks - each university should have solutions benefitting at least 50 million people

he planted at least 3 networks that would make brac university live up to 50 million - james grant college- worldwide parterships in ultra [overty, worldwide partnerships in early childhood playschools...

and yet of course there was much more to be done- could bagladesh get sanitation infrastructure right- how on earyth could dhaka ever be turned into a benchmark asian megacity- its already one of the largest but having been blocked out of trading routes its not yet been a partner in the big opportunity of asi rising linking in win-wi megacities and superports - and for a family that once enjoyed connecting world trade our of calcutta but then were partitioned to a geography with no superportt and hostile land nieigbors- brac university and bracnet willo certainly needed to play the blended game of hi-tech, deep love communities in uniquely brilliant ways - but then if you know bangladesh mothers 3 generations into brac empowrment nothing's impossinle

health infrastructure's hidden agenda of sanitation

in poorest countries sanitation isnt a hidden agenda but rich country's advanced infrastructure make their sanitation experts (with tech galore) all but clueless in poorest countries unless demonstrable otherwise

we put sanitation in 3.6 james grant public health college partnerships the poorest need solutions to while recognising pit latrines have been a village solution from the start of village-brac ; this update on microfinance and sanitation offers one insight- the amount of work brac has done on WASH parnterships is huge- as 2020s publics wtalk about how will climate impact bangladesh's expected transition to 50% urban, keep asking about sanitation

one of the most ambitious partnership projects in asia we've been tracking is over indnesia where world bank and aiib lent a billion dollars to end slums

Monday, September 17, 2018

3.6, 3.1 2.1 2.2 iccdr,b jpgsph 60+years cholera lab james grant brac fazle abed

 ICDDR,B = International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh=oral rehydration alumni core multiplier of 1 billion women rural Keynesianism  (current influencers cholera vaccine  supporters sida brits canadians )

its hard to see how a billion rural women would have ended extreme poverty without the alumni of the cholera lab now known as iccdr,b and of borlaug's green revolution where local rice production was found to vary 10-fold by depth of adaptation of ride seed to local conditions - see note filed in the economist 1977 as the happiest chart in the world

while research at iccdr.b is more than 10 years older than the nation of bangladesh  as the institute was founded in east pakistan - the challenge of how to market a virtually free cure  to diarrhea which once killed a third of infants in tropical villages requires understanding the roles of fazle abed, james grant, chinese american friends in the late 1970s and later friends across india- probably no medicical intervention has been open sourced more COLLABoratively than the cholera lab's oral rehydration and those who scaled the most life saving results always asked for the collaboration and the empowerment by and for village women to be the main credit

this 2012 note on the celebration of brac university's james grant school of public health makings its home the iccdrb.b campus from 2012 typifies celebrating every parent who ends poverty not individual inventrs, and dec 2021's next summit hosted by iccdr,b typifies how great collabs attract the greatest sdg partners beyond borders

 09 MAY 2012

Over 250 guests gathered at icddr,b’s Mohakhali campus on Tuesday, 8 May to mark the official opening of the James P. Grant School of Public Health’s new premises, which are housed within icddr,b’s main building. With seven classrooms, 10 breakout tutorial rooms and a 40-student capacity computer lab, the opening of new space is a major step forward for the public health school and its flagship Masters in Public Health programme, which attracts students from around the world. 

Honouring James P. Grant

The James P. Grant School of Public Health at BRAC University was established in 2004 with extensive support from icddr,b and BRAC. The school’s name honours the late James P. Grant, a former Executive Director of UNICEF, who led a major campaign to prevent the deaths of children from easily preventable diseases. In 2008, journalist Nicholas D. Kristof described Grant as "a little-known American aid worker (who) probably saved more lives than were destroyed by Hitler, Mao, and Stalin combined" through his promotion of vaccinations and diarrhea treatments.

A collaborative effort

For several years now, icddr,b has provided essential support to JPGSPH; not only in terms of sharing faculty expertise, but also by giving JPGSPH students access to its research and field site facilities. Students also benefit from access to icddr,b’s state-of-the-art laboratories and its extensive library. JPGSPH’s impact on public health was recognised by the bulletin of the World Health Organization in 2007 when it was selected as one of six of the world’s most effective institutions for promoting innovative higher public health education. This achievement is undoubtedly also testimony to the high level of support provided by its institutional partners.

Inauguration ceremony

At Tuesday’s event, icddr,b’s Executive Director, Dr. Alejandro Cravioto highlighted the benefits that icddr,b and BRAC University’s joint venture will deliver, such as the emergence of new research links in the field of public health. “This joint venture creates the opportunity for icddr,b’s researchers to share and disseminate their extensive knowledge in research and experiences in public health through their teaching at the JPGSPH,” he said. “This knowledge can be transmitted worldwide.”

JPGSPH’s Dean Dr. Timothy G. Evans commented on the school’s rapid growth. In his opening remarks he noted that, “we started with one classroom with a maximum capacity of 30 students. From today, we have new premises and the capacity to accommodate over 300 students at any time.” BRAC University’s Vice Chancellor, Dr. Ainun Nishat, congratulated JPGSPH on the occasion and stated how he is looking forward to deepening relationships between partner institutions. BRAC’s Founder and Chairperson Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG, the event’s chief guest, stated that he was sure that “this collaboration will be fruitful, as well as mutually beneficial, to both icddr,b and JPGSPH.”

The inauguration ceremony was followed by a reception and tour of the school’s new premises.

For further details please contact:

Nasmeen Ahmed 2012


2021 conference with india

Conference on Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia

Hosted by: A consortium of co-hosts from around South Asia

Date: 01 December 2021 09:00 to 02 December 2021 21:00

Location: Online

COVID-19 has disrupted health systems, nutrition services, and food systems around the world, including South Asia.  Research-based evidence and programmatic experiences are essential to support stakeholders to restore services and re-orient programs and policies to support better nutrition outcomes.
We, a consortium of co-hosts from around South Asia, are pleased to announce a virtual conference on ‘Delivering for Nutrition (D4N) in South Asia: Implementation Research in the Context of COVID-19’ on December 1-2, 2021. D4N 2021 aims to bring together evidence that can inform and support policy and program initiatives in South Asia to prioritize and improve maternal and child nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
With this overarching purpose, the key objectives are to:
- Share evidence of the impact of COVID-19 on maternal and child nutrition
- Highlight adaptations to support implementation of health and nutrition interventions and social safety net programs
- Identify lessons learned from implementing programs to support maternal and child nutrition during the pandemic


timeline update 2018

icddr,b Timeline

2018Prince Mahidol Award 2018 to icddr,b scientists for oral cholera vaccine (OCV) development

2017: Humanitarian response to Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals in Rohingya camps

2017: icddr,b wins Conrad N Hilton Humanitarian Prize

2016: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon endorses icddr,b

2016: Charles C Shepard science award given to icddr,b scientist

2016: Single OCV dose protective in endemic setting – finding in New England Journal of Medicine

2015Ultra low-cost bubble-CPAP for treatment of severe pneumonia and hypoxemia in children

2015: Ready-to-use supplementary and therapeutic food (RUTF) to prevent and treat childhood malnutrition

2015Piloting breast milk pasteurisation to enable readymade garment workers breastfeed at work

2014: OCV impact found substantial through Bangladesh’s existing immunisation infrastructure

2014: Gut microbial communities shown to significantly influence recovery from malnutrition

2013The Lancet lauds icddr,b’s contributions in improved health in Bangladesh

2011: First US Patent 7638271 for inventing a new tuberculosis diagnostic method

2011: ‘Continuum of Care’ approach achieves 36% drop in perinatal mortality

2010: Gender violence research feeds into Bangladesh’s Domestic Violence Act

2010: Rotavirus vaccine trial: Key findings in The Lancet

2010: Clean delivery kit & icddr,b birthing-mat to identify women at risk of postpartum haemorrhage

2008: Projahnmo project reports 34% reduction in neonatal mortality in The Lancet

2008: Influenza vaccine cut illness by 63% in infants <6 months; averted one-third of all febrile respiratory illnesses

2005: Independence Day Award, Bangladesh’s most prestigious award

2002: Zinc treatment of diarrhoea found to reduce <5 mortality by 50%

2001: Gates Award for Global Health for development of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

2000: Assisted Government of Bangladesh with control of major dengue epidemic in Dhaka

1999: Management of severely malnourished children cut to less than 5%

1998: HIV sero-surveillance begins on behalf of Government of Bangladesh

1995: Maternal immunisation with pneumococcal vaccine shown to protect newborns

1993: New Vibrio cholerae 0139 (Bengal strain) identified and characterised

1985: First field trial of oral cholera vaccine launched

1982: Matlab Maternal Child Health and Family Planning project achieves major drop in fertility rates

1980: Tetanus toxoid vaccination of mothers found to reduce neonatal mortality by 75%

1978: Introduction of use of sucrose (table sugar) or unrefined brown sugar (gur) to replace glucose in ORS

1978: Rotavirus identified as most common cause of diarrhoea in infants - highest priority for new vaccines

1978: icddr,b formally established

1968: First successful trials of ORS result published in The Lancet

1966: Cholera fatality reduced to less than 1%

1963: The world’s longest-running health and demographic surveillance (HDSS) starts in Matlab, Chandpur

1962: Dhaka Hospital established

1960: Cholera Research Laboratory (CRL), forerunner of icddr,b, launches in Dhaka

icddr,b research is supported by a combination of core support from bilateral donors and grant income. In 2017, the top 10 revenue sources for restricted and unrestricted grants were:

1) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
2) UKAID: Department for International Development (DFID)
3) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA
4) United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
5) The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
6) National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
7) Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
8) Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
9) Commission of the European Communities
10) Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Government of Canada


icddr,b is grateful to the Government of Bangladesh for its long-term financial support. icddr,b is also grateful to its international core donors, Canada (Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development), Sweden (Sida), and the United Kingdom (DFID). In keeping with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, they provide long-term core funds to support the advancement of icddr,b's strategic plan.

Representatives from each of the development agencies meet regularly with icddr,b to monitor progress and discuss emerging research priorities and outputs. Every year, icddr,b reports performance against an agreed log frame and a joint donor report is commissioned to monitor progress.


2012 beijing co-launch global health  recommended list health systems global

beijing 2012 programme delegates webpage


icddr,b was established in Dhaka in 1960s as the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO) Cholera Research Laboratory. 

The Cholera Research Laboratory (CRL) soon developed an international reputation in diarrhoeal disease research. Among its notable early achievements was a key role in the development, testing and implementation of oral rehydration solution (ORS) – a treatment estimated to have saved tens of millions of lives worldwide.

During the 1960s, the CRL also established a large-scale health and demographic surveillance site at Matlab – now the longest-running such site in the global South and an inspiration for many similar sites worldwide.

In 1962, the CRL established the Dhaka Hospital, still run by icddr,b, to meet the urgent need to treat patients, particularly young children, with severe diarrhoeal disease. The Dhaka Hospital has developed into a nationally important treatment centre and provides an infrastructure for an extensive programme of clinical research. Clinical services were also introduced at Matlab Hospital.

As many other factors affect the risk of diarrhoeal diseases or recovery from them – including nutritional status, income, education of mothers, access to clean water, sanitation habits and efficacy of vaccines – research at CRL expanded into new areas of public health. However, it retained its primary focus on evidence-based solutions able to deliver significant public health benefits at low cost to those living in poverty. 

From CRL to icddr,b

In 1978, the CRL received fresh impetus and a new name – the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. In recent years, we have been known simply as icddr,b.