RAISING >2 BILLION HUMANS INTELLIGENCES BY 25 YEARS. After helping with recovery 1970 cyclone killing half a million of his compatriots, Fazle Abed was nearly assassinated by his employer Royal Dutch Shell and the Pakistani army. Fortunately he spent his remaining 50 years celebrating intelligence development of the poorest 2 billion parents notably growth of 1billiongirls. For over quarter of a century all networking was done by word of mouth and sight of book because in Asia 20th c village life still meant no access to electricity grids or telephone lines. Fortunately both Computing Whizs Jobs & Gates were both partly dis-satisfied with western apps of pc networks which they had begun in 1984. Around 2001 they both hosted silicon valley 65th birthday wish parties for Abed as global village tech envoy. Partners in life critical challenges had begun to bring abed's village mothers solar and mobile to co-create with. Abed changed the way Jobs saw tech futures of education (see ) and how Gates saw global health fund foundations and overall the valley's university stanford started to see as far as intelligence of Women and Youth goes the most life critical knowhow for 2 billion humans wasnt directly measurable in 90 day monetary flows; it was measurable in increased life expectancy by over 25 years during Abed's community servant leadership. Probably the greatest lift in intelligence until celebrations of what Fei-Fei Li opened the worlds eyes to in 2012, and Melinda Gates and Nvidia's Jensen Huang were first to helped AIforall lift since 2014.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

3.6 james grant school of public health

 if you asked sir fazle of all the global agencies headquartered in usa, whos partnership did he treasure most- i am pretty sure he would say unicef during the james grant years

anyway when abed started brac university in 2001, james grant school of public health was identified as the first word class college- and pretty muck anyone who cared about womens health was invited to give a guest lecture or to nominate a reseatch area

it was james and abed with help from chinese american friends who first scaled oral rehydration across bangladesh and tropical china earning a reciprocation from china on all barefoot medial knowhow

then they repeated the trick on vaccination reaching through a billion rural mothers

-abed had many reasons gfor starting up a university- i like to think him of being 5 years into blefing tech psrtnerships after 25 years of asking potential parters to conect with metavillages cut off from electricity grids and landline telecoms; the opportunity to leapfrog came to bangladesh with mobile and solar in bracs case bracnet partners from hapanese silicon valley venture funds -so on the one hand brac university aimed to become a national university that inspited graduates to be great public servants or village entreprenurs- abed was determined asia could connect 100 sustainability universities sharing alumni and action learing networks - each university should have solutions benefitting at least 50 million people

he planted at least 3 networks that would make brac university live up to 50 million - james grant college- worldwide parterships in ultra [overty, worldwide partnerships in early childhood playschools...

and yet of course there was much more to be done- could bagladesh get sanitation infrastructure right- how on earyth could dhaka ever be turned into a benchmark asian megacity- its already one of the largest but having been blocked out of trading routes its not yet been a partner in the big opportunity of asi rising linking in win-wi megacities and superports - and for a family that once enjoyed connecting world trade our of calcutta but then were partitioned to a geography with no superportt and hostile land nieigbors- brac university and bracnet willo certainly needed to play the blended game of hi-tech, deep love communities in uniquely brilliant ways - but then if you know bangladesh mothers 3 generations into brac empowrment nothing's impossinle

health infrastructure's hidden agenda of sanitation

in poorest countries sanitation isnt a hidden agenda but rich country's advanced infrastructure make their sanitation experts (with tech galore) all but clueless in poorest countries unless demonstrable otherwise

we put sanitation in 3.6 james grant public health college partnerships the poorest need solutions to while recognising pit latrines have been a village solution from the start of village-brac ; this update on microfinance and sanitation offers one insight- the amount of work brac has done on WASH parnterships is huge- as 2020s publics wtalk about how will climate impact bangladesh's expected transition to 50% urban, keep asking about sanitation

one of the most ambitious partnership projects in asia we've been tracking is over indnesia where world bank and aiib lent a billion dollars to end slums

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