Bamgladesh offerrs best intelligence wwe have seen for sdgs 5 through 1 up to 2008, Search eg 4 1 oldest edu 4.6 newest edu ; .620th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Thursday, March 31, 2022

1.4 brac bank at 20

Over time Brac enered evert element of the financial services change needed to ensure economic devekopment of its vuillage women and their next generations as integral to nation building

Genesis of A typical small business owner in suburb of Dhaka -source brac annual report 2009

A group of women sit on the

concrete floor of a small room,

stitching colourful appliqué flowers

on a black saree. They all work for

Shahida Alamgir, a 38-year-old

mother of three, who runs a hand

embroidery business from her home

at Mirpur, a working-class suburb of

Dhaka. Shahida started out 12 years

ago with a 3,000-taka loan from

BRAC, earning about 20,000 takas

a month to supplement the money

her migrant worker husband sent

home. As her orders increased,

Shahida, who is self-taught, started

training other women in her locality

and outsourcing the work. In 2003,

she took out a loan of 50,000 takas

from BRAC Microfinance’s scheme

for small entrepreneurs to expand

her business with 5 workers. Now,

she is on a 300,000-taka loan,

employs 10 to 12 women at a time

and supplies clothes, as well as

cushion and bed covers, to 5 or 6

different retailers, earning 40-50

thousand takas a month. Shahida

wants to open her own boutique

and plans to apply for the maximum

loan of 1 million takas.

brac city bank plays its own roles in serving smes (small medium, enterprsises) particularly of city daughters of village mothers- but it is also a suitable cooperation stage to innovate whats needed next in this context described in brac's 2009 annual report

  In addition to operating social enterprises, we also engage in

socially responsible investments in order to build a hedge against

global market meltdowns and unfavorable changes in aid

allocation. BRAC’s investments, while having no direct relationship

with BRAC’s development programmes, reflect an underlying

association with BRAC’s core values and mission. Investments

include BRAC Bank Limited, the pioneer in lending to the small and

medium enterprises (SME) sector; Delta BRAC Housing, which

specialises in lending to the housing sector; bracNet, an internet

service provider intended to develop into a nationwide

communications network to help BRAC spread its development

programmes. The incomes they generate is designed to act as a

hedge against future liquidity crunches and are held in reserve for

BRAC’s development

Also noteworthy , fazle abed sought advice from community banks around the world - eg shorebank was flourishing in the part of south chicago that obama emerged from when structure of brac babk was first conceived ; today the exchange of knowhow is probably the other way round with brac city bank offering one of the deepest benchmarks for the global association of banks with values

BRAC Bank celebrates 20 years of progress

Presently, Brac Bank is the largest collateral-free lender to the small entrepreneurs with rural penetration of more than 70% revitalising rural economy and generating employment

Picture: Courtesy
Picture: Courtesy

Brac Bank is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a strong commitment to contribute more to national progress. 

Living up to the vision of its founder, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG, Brac  Bank was the first bank in Bangladesh to introduce collateral-free small ticket loan to the legions of small and medium enterprises at the nook and corner of the country helping them grow and thrive and contribute more to the economic development, said a press release. 

Presently, Brac Bank is the largest collateral-free lender to the small entrepreneurs with rural penetration of more than 70% revitalising rural economy and generating employment.

Its performance indicators in the Bangladesh banking sector are reflected in the highest market capitalisation and the highest international investor shareholding in the local banking sector and the highest bank credit rating of all banks in the country from both international rating agencies, S&P and Moody's.

As Bangladesh begins journey to graduate into a middle-income country within this decade and a developed nation by 2041, Brac Bank aspires to contribute to the government's development journey through inclusive banking and entrepreneurship development, the press release added. 

"Brac Bank has already made its mark in the country's banking arena through world-class products and services, consistent financial results, good governance, compliance, ethics, transparency and values-based banking," Brac Bank  Managing Director and CEO Selim RF Hussain said.

"With the talented and committed team empowered by technology, together we are determined to take BRAC Bank to the next level achieving exponential growth in market share, while continuing to progress the financial inclusion and values based development agenda of our founding Chairperson, Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, KCMG," he added. 

"We gratefully acknowledge the trust of our valued customers and shareholders, guidance of the Board of Directors and the regulators and of course, the contribution of our employees that make the bank what it is today," he further said.

1.1 5.1 bangladesh first large population nation where rural public service built nation? Brac at 50 March 2022

WHAT IS RURAL (and what is BRA-C Bangladesh Rural Advancement COLLABORATIONS)

Educators/parents/family builders need to be very clear about definitions so as not to upset powers such as big city corporations professions and politicians. We are just trying to share a local and global code to value mapping human development across generations as core to national growth. We welcome co-editing support of this blog where you see errors/omissions (

Unless we agree human development code that is deeply local as mother nature herself, THEN ever since von neumann peers gifted us 100 rimes more tech per decade we have been destined for 2020s "last chance" denouements - do artificial intels serve humans or vice versa. The big brother choice storytold by George Orweell even though his timelines were wrong by one generation. As New York started to fully emerge from covid spring 2022, we thank all those who participated in collaboration cafe AI and climate exchanges - see including march 30's 1 million global student chatline with sp[ecial contribution from Safiqul Islam who during Fazle Abed's life was his core developer of the curriculum used by the largest non-government schools system in the world 4.2 brac primary

Bangaladesh was born from war of independence wuth pakistan in 1971 8th most populous nation. The peoples had drawn double short straw of colonisation. Under British Adminstration until 1947 the whole of the bay of Bengal had shared superport access to Calcutta. From partitioning not only duid Indoa's rival culture block Bangaldeshi's from direct access to shipping but for nearly quarter of a century pakistan over 1000 miles away by land adminstered east pakistan as secondary people to its own.

 (A quarter of all nations are small islands where once could say its not relevant to distinguish urban/rural- in fact stewardship of the ocean estate may be the main resource the peoples depend on

Engines did not exist until Glasgow 1760s so to some extent all (richest) nations have transformed from rurtal first to urban led government.

The two most relevant defintions of rural seem to be - urbal places are not food self-sufficient- they depend on rural areas (or in case of superports like singapore they depend on trade with countries that include rural areas)

In the developing world, until 1995 rural also meant no access to electricity (grids) so no enfines no telecommunications. What happened from 1995combination of sola and mobile becemae the greatest innovation opportinoty half the worlds people simultaneously encountered.

In Bangladesh rural has quite an unsusual characteristic. Most Bangaldesh rural people are as closely populated as many people in cities. At least 80% od bangaldesh's rural chalenge is not about isolated peoples (although there is a seg,ment of that population to). When Abed designed vilage health services in his first 100000 person metavilage it was quite practical to design a microifarnchise where one vilage woman served 300 gamilies retail medican needs eacjh weekly (personal shopping walked to each home so to speak). Her route would not have taken her more than 15 minutes from wgere sh hersekf lived - in some cases less than 10 minutes to serve 300 neraest families. Its amazing when you look at western descriptions of bangaldesh microfinace how the wholesaling dynamics of Brac's responsibility fro suppklying 100000 peopel at at time are overloked. Wholesaling to a 90% rural nation needs to be owned in trust by the rural peoples not by some middle man who sucks value out of rural localities every quarter. Rural caoitalism is mapped naturally around sme networks /sypply chioans. Interestingly AsiaRisinf hi-tech treading models also connected deep sme startup expertise valued by communities where those design and makers skills were most nurtured. Distributing enegineering knowhow is how Asa has developed wherever human rightes have emerged. This is different from assuming lawters admibnster over people. When Asian public service is at its best it is engineer enetrepreneur led- again why its important to study fazle abed viewed as the most exciting public service engineer of the hakf century that changed the millennium - defined human purposes around millennium and then ssuatinability development goals


A mixtire of necessity and the good fortune that Asia's leading young engineer (Fazle Abed who had become his homelnad's CEO for Royal Dutch Shell in Il world's top 7 corporations) dedicated himself to rural advancement colaborations and by accident (spending his life savongs on rebuilding vilagers homes)5.1 metavilage), he became responsible for sustaining 100,000 villagers livelihoods who were on the brink of starvation .

 This metavilage responsibility led to 1.1 microfranchsingh - the new model of bottom up aid. All this at a time when 90% og banagldesh people were rural; the national government tax etc base was so small at birth of nation that it could only barely provide security for the nation and develop services for the 10% who lived in cities (which due to war and double colonisation (britain then pakistan) etc were the least developed urban areas in the world

As well as the miracle of a world calss enginer serving rural, the cukltrural fact that almost no rural womnen had been valued as productive afents could be turned into the advantage- half the coutry's human resources were not being supported proiductively.

Each of the 4 collaborations - 2 building agricultuure/ie nations food system,s; 3 building last mile rural health; 4 building rural edication 5 building 100000 lives matter rural communities needs to be mapped from scratch not assumptions that advanced western acadmics or policy makers hold. 

Actually if the west in particular wished to understand how the two thirds of Asians have risen out of almosy all being colonised as recently as 1945 then it is necessary to study both super vilage (rural keynesianism) and supercity develpmet. # nations led the way - japan , korea south and taiwan. However the point is these nations had prior engineering capabilities and urban sytustires which after the defeta of Japan in world war 2 needed ressembling. They all quickly returned to urban goverance but in ways that respecetd 100% rural employment as pivital to feedin the nation. The Economist sutveys on Asia from 1962 Japan to all of the half of world's peopl in 1977 east of iran have argued that Asia Rising has depended on successfully blending both models. However whats unique about bangaldesh with its poorest nation and 90% rural beginning is that withour rural development there would have been no sustainable national development. Some people have called bangaldesh the aid lab. More than any other nation irs rural development has depended on long-term trusted partnerships bring knowhow to each rural developed sector. By studying we (with your help) can clarify all the extrordinary innovations of rural women empowerment. For those who want an advanced nation building study look at how between 1975 to 1999 rural womens capitalsim also came to china from the conteiuent out while the engineering of supercities came from the coast in. Whether or not particular 2020s nations deem china as fiuerce competitor ofr collaborators not to study chiense vilage women development 1976-1999 is to choose to be blind to what schumacher/keynes deemed the graetest miracle economists would need to solve - endinf roural poverty of milliosn of ruralk vilages which mainly tyhe english adminsitartion of Asia had left out of access to engines from 1760 to 1945 except where coastal trade designed for the empire required urban hubs

Of course even as we seek to clarify development processes , water, energy, defence/safety are in a democratic sense every parnets responsibility to stewatd but by 20th C convention assumed decisions that central government at least initially makes (even if it chooses to privatises the utlities ijnvolved)

We are not saying the opposite interest of urban/rural are simple. Histirically urban people have grown the mnore carbon they use and to that exten the less that carbon waste is charged as a user responsibility. This conflicts with rural people whose assets are the first to be destroyed ifb waste is dumped on them or in climate-risky places like low landing river basins of bangaldesh -rural gfamilies are put at the edge of sutvival. As may be neighboring peoples if failed institutions cause refugee situations

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

1.4 brac bank

 fall 2021 selim has been ceo of brac bank since 2015

he spoke oct 2021 at ft conference members speaking at the event: 

Martin Rohner, Executive Director of The Global Alliance for Banking on Values Martin Rohner, Executive Director of The Global Alliance for Banking on Values  


 Priscilla Sims Brown, CEO of Amalgamated Bank 


Selim Hussain, CEO of BRAC Bank Limited 

Selim Hussain

Managing Director and CEO
BRAC Bank Limited

Selim Hussain is Managing Director and CEO at BRAC Bank. He is a career banker with over 35 years of experience in South Asian financial institutions. He started his banking career with the two largest multi-national banks in Bangladesh, first ANZ Grindlays Bank and later Standard Chartered Bank, and worked there for twenty-four years. In 2010, he moved to the largest Non-Banking Financial Institution in Bangladesh, the IDLC Finance Group, as their Managing Director. He headed IDLC Finance and was also the Chairman of IDLC Investment Limited and IDLC Securities Limited for six years. At the end of 2015, Selim joined BRAC Bank Limited as its Managing Director and CEO and has been there since. During his tenure in IDLC Finance, Selim was the Chairman of IDLC Investment Ltd and IDLC Securities Ltd, a Board Director at the Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh (CRAB) and the Vice Chairman of the Bangladesh Leasing and Finance Co Association (BLFCA). Selim currently serves on the Governing Board of the Association of Banks in Bangladesh as its Vice-Chairman. He is a member of the Governing Board of the SME Foundation in Bangladesh, an apex institution established by the Government of Bangladesh to spearhead SME development. Selim is a Board Director of IIDFC, a Non-Banking Financial Institution, BRAC EPL Investments Ltd, BRAC EPL Stock-Brokerage Ltd and BRAC IT Services Ltd. He is Chairman of the Board Audit Committee of bKash Ltd, the largest mobile financial service in Bangladesh. He is also on the Governing Board of the Financial Alliance for Women, a network of international financial institutions dedicated to championing the female economy. Selim holds a degree in Accounting from the Business Faculty and an MBA from the Institute of Business Administration from Dhaka University.


Darrin Williams, CEO of Southern Bancorp 


Bevis Watts, CEO of Triodos Bank UK  


About the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) 

The GABV is a network of independent banks and banking cooperatives with a shared mission to use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. Founded in 2009, the GABV comprises 67 financial institutions operating in 40 countries across Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, North America, and Europe. It serves more than 70 million customers collectively, has over USD 200 billion of combined assets under management, and employs more than 80,000 co-workers. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022