20th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Monday, February 28, 2022

5.4 global alumni of ending poverty 1.1 changing aid with business models for 100000 rural metavillages of poorest

xAfter my father died, the Japan Ambassador to bangladesh organised what became my greatest privilege in life - 2 dinner brainstorming seession with Fazle Abed. He was by now into his 5th decade of creating soklution platformsd that empowered a billion women to build education systems and be more locally productive than men (at least their equal as money earners, far greater as family builders). This was not just nation building for the ages but advancing the human lot even when facing the most extreme challenges to life
what if edu3.com becomes the most urgent cooperation humanity has ever webbed?
Fazle Abed had sdtarted brac university 4.4 in 2001 but by the time I joined in 40 extrordinary cocietal leaders in brainstorming what next abed's favorite topic - why not unite all female graduate of susdtainability generation. The extreme solutions needed to turn round collaspsing systems are far more similar than different - why hire thousdands of professors of sustainability when you could weblog cases- and clarify which have the most urgent scalability

Back in 1984 my father and I were 33 yeras into asking people a question von neumann had given father and journalsiyts at teh economist - what goods will peoples do with 100 times more tech per decade

there were some twists in this question - first neumann had spent most of his life on the bad of niclear arms race - he was desterate for a youngish survivor of being in world war 2 (ie dad) to pick up what goods his legacy could do- when von neumann promised 100 tiems more tech - he emant those with most pribvileged access would lead such experiements - but would they do good not just sharing advances with those behind the tech curve but in resolving the deeepst problems of poverty ; neumann knew the maths of chaos - that one of the risks of 2020s having 8 billion hyperconnected being would be pandemics and other ways that hyperconnectivity compounds risks-  so the hope of abed was if out of bangladesh his university could design some solutions like playschools everywhere needs then the highest tech female gradsd would wnat to share their solutions too- why wouldnt the most cooperative university alumni networks in the worlkd be critical to millennials being the sustainability generation?

over 50 years former asian oil company (Royal Dur=tch Shell) rising star mapped out specas for uniting soluntions by and for billion poorest asian mothers - for 25 years all of his spaces were contrained to partnership platforms of 100000 person vilages without access to electrcity let alone communication beyond word of mouth (or where literate pencil, paper , ..) then a japanese partner from silicon valley gave him chnace to experiment with mobile and others brough vilage solar- so by 2001 abed told 30 years of partners while he never wanted them to stop vising womens vilages he also wanted to help form the GUOP - Global Universit Open Povery (solutios scalebal across communities at the spoeed of web as well as mouth) Abed dies in dec 2019- so can we make his legacy the www.sdgs.games - although abed worked from 1972 deeply on what we now call sdgoals 1-6 (and although a climate disruption in 1970 cyclone killing million copatriots hd ended his interest in oil company marketing) its worth noting that he was ill with brain cancer by the time the 17 sdgs were launched - lets hope the engineering relay can be connected by Antonio guterres who appears to have picked up the relay torch just as Asian <a href="http://www.japanthanks.com">women Olympians</a> and diversity's most energetic <a href="http://www.sdgoats.com">GOATS</a> can relay post pandemic sports valuation in web3 onwards

lessons 5.4 & 1.1 metavilage entrepreneurial revolution (rural keynesianism - supervillage networking - the economist (adam smith alumni) grand prize 1968-2018- rest of this post mainly summarises 1.1 how womens collaboration lab of the 100000 person metavilage (15000 hoikes abed built with his life savings in 1972) were to be the space for totally chnaging all aid empires once used to distribute top down 

who owns wholesale nationwide can determine  whether least developed nations ends poverty

bangladesh women empowerment depended on revolutions in education needed to operate microfranchises these in turn change 3 societal (public service) markets - food security, last mile health, finance to sustain local communities value lives matter diversity

by needing to design 100000 lives matter at a time fazle abed's 50 years helped design the 30 most exciting collabs all millennials -and all teachers - need to know of if they are to become the sustainabilty generation

 primarily because of the 1760-1945 systems designed by the world's worst corporations (and bankers or politicians paid by their vested interests) - eg see all who partnered britannia's east indies company; much of tropical continental asia was trapped in poverty until the middle of the 20th century 

- keynes' student (also loved by  climate champions for small is beautiful) schumacher was partly correct in saying ending poverty would primarily require a new economic systems valuing the lives of a million rural villagers -defined as communities with  access to electricity grids o9r any of the power or telecoms advantages that the era of machines had evolved since glasgow 1760

fazle abed , alumni of adam smith's glasgow (engineers) university turned his biggest error into an economic miracle

24 months were critical  to learning from the mistake he made and the entrepreneurial revolution he designed 

he had just been promoted to be asia's leading young president in  global oil company sector by royal dutch shell - formally their ceo for east pakistan

1 million people all around him died in a cyclone- he spent the next several months literally burying bodies- shell oil has more infrastructure for disaster relief than any other organisation\he then went back to london to finish his contract, sell his putney flat by 1972 when he returned to his homeland his peoples had won a war of independence with (west) pakistan but another million people had been killed an almost the whole country's infrastructure had been destroyed

he spent his life savings rebuilding 15000 village homes - one room cabins without electricity - his engineering abilities (and sourcing bamboo gloated down river, tin from malaysia) made this the most economic project oxfam had ever seen - 100000 people had been rehoused in a metavillage 1.1- for details see biography of fazle abed for 10 years of villagers networking martha chen harvard "quiet revolution"- martha was the first central hub employee of Bangladesh Rural advancement Committee alongside abed and hits first wife Ayesha who tragically died giving birth to abed's second child

although oxfam celebrates this as a best ever case abed was desolated - no sooner that the homes were built than tens of village mothers were dying weekly of starvation- scores of infants of dehydration and lack o0f nutrition

what he urgently needed to do was deisgn microfranchises - positive income village businesses however small that the mothers could operate and which ended starvation and provided last mile health services so that no mother or infant died unnecessarily

achieving this he changed top down charity to sustainable bottom up business

and he designed nationwide wholesaling of the products the village mothers microfranchises most needed to deliver life matter/critical community services 

this change mapped a new economics model - an entrepreneurial revolution -great leap advance for the human race

sadly it has not yet been possible to study yet in any western university just as other sme value chain models innovated in the easy have not been transparently modelled

all of this is discussed  in the economist of the 1970s but their subeditors knew of every asian solution of this sort except bangladesh's solution- see www.teachforsdgs.com to download all entrepreneurial revo9lution and intrapreneurial surveys as well as 1920 silicon valley survey - the economist's subeditor of these surveys had met von neumann in 1951 and been told of the greatest journalistic scoop - ask leaders of all big organisation way they will design with 100 time more tech per decade - is they are responsible for 30 years what intergenerational design will they celebrate with a billion times more tech (see also moo9res law 1965)

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