cI would love to zoom with such a place -and the peoples
What if a place is only as great as ithe way its people's spend 4 thing life'time*,omey*trus*data what I am certain about is beware every single second how are you spending your life'times - conversely money is really weird- making enough of it seems to matter- what is enough nobody agreesd; unlike death some people seem able to com,e back from below zero
trust is peculiar too- acccoriding to adam smit if transparenmcy rules you cant really come back frok totally destroying your reputation but tyhen clearly som,e people not omnly comeback but rule bey fof having a violent reputation of cousre data is the most mysterious of ll; whenh I entered my teens you couldn't map that m,ucj of it with a slide ruler and operatir dialled telephones ; today i calcukate some of us have 10**18 more data access - million times from moores law milion times from satellite mobilisation and million times from partnering nvidia's accelerated platforms; this is 75th year since a chnace conversation woth vonm neumann caused my family to believe asking why nit at least 100 times more ehalt and welath for every being with 10*18 more data maping. How do you see these 4 variables? |

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