20th century intelligence - ending poverty of half world without electricity -although Keynes 1936 (last capter general theiry money inetrest emplymen) asked Economists to take hipocrati oath as the profession that ended extreme poverty, most economists did the opposite. Whats not understandable is how educatirs failed to catalogue the lessons of the handful who bottom-up empowered vilages to collaboratively end poverty. There are mainly 2 inteligences to understand- Borlaug on food; fazle abed on everything that raised life expectancy in tropical viage asia from low 40s to 60s (about 7 below norm of living with electricity and telecomes). Between 1972 and 2001, Abed's lessons catalogued in this mooc had largelu built the nation of Bangladesh and been replicated with help of Unicef's James Grant acroo most tropical asian areas. What's exciting is the valley's mr ad mrs steve jobs invted Fazle Abed to share inteligences 2001 at his 65th birthday party. The Jobs and frineds promised to integrate abed's inteligence into neighborhod university stanfrd which in any event wanted Jobs next great leap the iphone. The Valley told abed to start a university so that women graduates from poor and rich nations could blend inteligence as Abed's bottom of the pyramid vilage began their journey of leapfrog modles now that gridd infarstructures were ni longer needed for sdiar and mobile. Abed could also help redesign the millennium goals which were being greenwashed into a shared worldwide system coding frame by 2016. There re at Abed's 80th birtday party , the easy bitwas checking this mooc was uptodate. The hard bit - what did Abed mean by his wish to headhunt a taiwanese american to head the university's 3rd decade starting 2020?

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Imagine building a metavillage in 1972 for 100000 poorest rural (without electricity) peoples in bangladesh (then 90% rural)
what would you do next over 50 years to help sustainability goals of all your people and when mrs steve jobs asks you to start new millennium share sdg learning globally?community 
fortunately a billion poorest asian women joined abed in exploring this question, and if eg glasgow cop26 is humanity's last best chance help us do some homework on the road to his alma mater or any other roads where young gilrs and boys -and communities that love them - want to be the first ddg generations
PERSONAL NOTE FROM DAD of daughter born dc valentines day 1997... I am neither genius nor hero but  think i can see when things are getting better for a community's children; in 1980s as a CANTAB statistician i coordinated about 1000 surveys across asia-where two thirds of humans live for database collected by boston's MIT.Or there's my personal experience deeply biassed as it is: - better was NOT 9/11 or anthrax for my 4 year old nor covid for my 24 year old nor much from washington consensus in between; frankly only 3 things have kept me sane this new millennium beyond a daughter's dreams: visiting bangladesh 15 times notes of which appear here; i I was told both by sir bangladesh's fazle and world bamk's jim kim that franciscan culture is worth absorbing iif you value last mile health so i visited vatican twice; and I was shown other billion girls cases by young asian graduaes who attended abed's 80th birthday party

- whats kept you hoping we can design a world that sustains youth everywhere; my extended family of diaspora scots have been sharing notes in a journal edited by adam smith scholars at sir fazle alma mater- any shared ideas welcome before glasgow cop26 or any other event where 7.5 billion people can try to unite a future worth parenting chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
can you help us log abed's 100 best friends and alumni of sustainability depends on eMpowering the eighth of world who are female younger poorer-abed gravitated billion dollar networking solutions arounf the first 5 sdgs - poverty food security health education community 100% lives/livelihoods matter- as well as goals 17-1 the most trusted local to global partners in deep data innovating as fast as nature's evolutionary designs demand
when we asked sir fazle abed what comes first finance food security health education community- what we heard him say (rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you heard differently) they all come together but all of the practices depend on education and while facing is essential thats only when you have practice solutions wrhy of people lives and lifetimes so lets celebrate 6 ways asia's billion poorest women have changed whats possible with education
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, our dearest Abed bhai, would have turned 84 today. He may not be with us in person, but his vision, ................

Name and current job with link to past abed coop



01 Henrietta Fore UNICEF director general new york in 2021 fore is most connected person in un networks of education -all of unesco unicef oecd browns 1 2 3 edu commissions and refugee edu networks will debrief at dubai edu expo dec 2021 as will sec general connectors: youth minister; brown's sherif - debriefs on digital cooperation in goals 1 2 3 4

news Generation Unlimited t gu-b 4.3

yidan prize has become since abed's death biggest growth collaboration of abed's education is everything to do with sdg world even more than economists! to understand where its connecting next searches include yidan erum mariam brac yidan luminaries panel- diary eg may 2021 oxford vice chancellor louise richardson - bios of oxford-yidan-  also download latest version may 21-rsvp improvements chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk  -first yidan doctoral prize hosted in oxford 27 may -cf jo-anne baird -anne cotton learning guide used by 150000 community girl friendly way above formal curricula; nueva escuela changes dynamic of students teachers- poorest rural schools now led colobia school futures

vicky colbert main aim in rural colombia school help taechers promote confidence in kids to advance at own pace; participate in school governance- girls love doing thig this at nueva escuela where we started schools for poorest of poor and are now seen as a benchmark for future schools - cf paulo freire -new role of teacher as motivator

Lead connector of world economic forum commitmemts to change education- all un edu leaders likely to celebrate ai education leaps at dubai expo along with dubai consisten itu partner #aiforgood


 In 2007,Japan US embassy and JICA first helped me understand Bangladesh social business as a unique model for human development. Probably no surprise that 4.5 bracnet -its internet company connected with  KDDI Japan's number 2 cell company with advice from its investor of origin DEFTA founded by the remarkable Japanese American Stanford grad George Hara






other leads afrca

ashesi university ghana with berkeley future of new university edu -wise layrea 2017 key partners berkeley - most major us tech africa diaspora

africa's largest corporation has emerged by accident of investing in tencent 20 years ago- its based i south africa and looking at what education investments it can make

HU 4.1-4 





















2021 commitments relevant to fazle abed compass of education empowering women and poorest

HU4.1-4.6 UNICEF"S FORE Promising to coordinate learning passports and action report dubai december rewired21 with all UN edu leaders eg envoy gordon brown unesco leader oecd leader ; un hq newsleader on refugee edu,


without James Grant- UNICEF dir gen's late 1970s + coop with BRA/CRA on vaccinating and hydrating a nations infants and mother one billion villagers in bangladesh and china would not have started up the journey of ending extreme rural poverty; although abeds rural keynsian model ie microfranchising was different that china's village capitalism models - life critical action learning networks in health multiply value in use in exactly opposite ways than zero sum thing consumption - see also neumann above zero sum games

harry daniels from oxford doing wonderful work on which youth/cultures excluded from uk schools - estimates range from 200000 to over million in england- scotland slightly better 

yidanlaureate carl 2021 transforming stem- now see science different wsy of making better decisions relevant to allfields; ALSO CHANGING VIEW OF HOW BRAIN WORKS- FROM L=OLD TIMES ASSUMED STATIC OF THAT PERSON'S BRAiN NOT WHAT EXPERINCES PERSON RECEIVE; NOW FINDING EVERY ASUMPTION STATIC EDUCATION MADE IS WRONG- GOOD EDU CAN GIVE NEW EXPERIENCES FOR YOUTH TO SELECT FROM-DEVELOPING WAY PERSONS NEURONS WIRED UP-SEE ALSO VON NEUMANN LAST LECTURES- dosions active versus passive- learner-centric versus podium; collaboratve versus each child is an island

female professor - so many silos in secondary curricula- even subsilios eg science though covid19 biology of virus chemistry; of virus politics; of communication maths of diffusion- why do we expect students to make link if we examine opposite... worse adult case gemans expert panel on how to deal with covid - philosopher included to ask difficult question!!  not arguing get rod of disciples- important to understand how disciple domain woks but must translate across disciplines- thats where innovation ops of 2020s are- 

we asked 1000 students and researchers what they thought of mess cf 2010 mooc ola reseach.... nee teacher learning communities- end passive consumption of curricula

tom see shadows of few teachers that make difference and others who cant change the system in every stat i look at

countries have different styles- us you are right or wrong - in some asia country teacher encourages explain your view

larry: edu rife faddism - too may panaceas evaluated over short term instead of systematic mapping what we were trying to change- disroups cause and effects..-while understanding his analysis of past failures to leap- does not seem to be aware of ai decade speed of demand to

big issue most k-12 teachers dont understand what university research does!

new breed of systemic reviewer of edu - unfortunately its own professions not clearly future-back - eg 30 research clearing houses worldwide

issue of researchers using specialised languages - best use of research houses translates this jargon

also research houses customers fuzzy- worst if used to make party political decision

click for larger HUNIcorn pictures .
  HUNI17-6:YOUTH SME partners as first  sustainability gen         HUNI2:food

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